
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Fruit of the Spirit - Part 9 LOVE

Friday, May 31, 2019

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  There is no law against these things!  Galatians 5:22-23

Today we come to the last part of our investigation into the nine-fold manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit.  These nine characteristic traits are alive and functioning in the believer who offers him/herself fully to God’s care and leading.  So, why did we leave love until the end when it is the first on the list?  That’s a good question and has a great answer.  In the ancient world the most important thought came first and is summed-up in what follows.  For Paul, any description of what God is, does, thinks, or….well, loves are a representation of who God IS.  This concept is hard to get down in a few words, but the Apostle John did it better than anyone else:

…anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.  1 John 4:8

Love, God’s character, is summed-up in that list of the fruit.  Granted, this is not the totality of God…we haven’t even scratched the surface about his omnipotent power, righteous judgment, omnipresence, or omniscience, let-alone his eternal being.  The vastness of this unseen God makes my head hurt when I try to entertain just the beginnings of understanding all of He who sits on Heaven’s throne.  He is the ancient One, unfathomable; no human can even continue to live if we were thrust into His presence.  But if we go to love, it gives us (at least) the starting point of understanding how God applies all His being to His creation.  It shows us what God wants to be in us, and what we can be like as dwellers together in His Kingdom.
To turn John’s phrase, anyone who loves knows God, and from that love spring all the wonders of joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, kindness, self-control, faithfulness, and patience.  And, in a life lived in love, which produces all the rest of that spiritual fruit, there is a resultant absence of selfishness, anger, greed, lust, laziness, envy, and pride, those seven deadly sins.  It is an absolute mathematical equation…as love produces fruit of the Spirit, sin, in all its association with death, darkness and evil, must scatter and die.
So, with no apology to Erich Segal’s Love Story and the heartbreak of Ali McGraw and Ryan O’Neal, love is not where you never have to say you’re sorry…love is all about knowing your transgressions bring on anger, violence, and a host of every kind of evil, destroying and rotting the fruit of God’s Spirit in you and others.  It is all about re-plowing the field of God’s vineyard in your life…saying you’re sorry, and receiving the reviving of forgiveness, the restoration of fruit-filled love!
For You Today
It’s time to put Hollywood back in their little camera boxes.  They’ve created a whole generational culture where love is a feeling, surrounded by photoshopped, background music and moments to remember.  They wouldn’t know God-love if it dropped from the camera-boom on their silly heads!
All that list of the fruit of God’s Spirit is yours when you choose to love.
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.


[1] Title Image:  
             Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from The New Living Translation©

The Secret

You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. Alan, age 10                                 
No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry.  God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. Kristen, age 10 
You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.  Derrick, age 8 
Both don't want any more kids.  Lori, age 8
And the all-time favorite:
Ricky, age 10 said:  Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck.  [1]
There is a question that nags us about our text.  Jesus told Phillip that we would do greater works than Jesus did; that spawns a whole series of questions about exactly what Jesus meant by that.  The chief question that we really want to avoid even asking whenever this comes up is:
If that’s really the case…where are the works; how come we’re not seeing miracles?
The reason we want to avoid that question is because we’re Methodists, reasonable people; we’re refined, informed and reformed.  We don’t get too radical in our Christianity; just give me a little church on Sunday and I’ll be alright.  Don’t stir up too much here.
The problem with answering the question is that it unravels a dirty little secret in the Christian family that we’d just as soon not talk about…
In the miracles department, we’re a little stunted!  We are the runts of the miracle-litter!
Well, painful as it might be to roll around in that mud puddle, allow me to deal with the question today.  Let me give you the short answer first; then we can deal with how to do something about the problem.

The short answer

Why we (that includes anybody in the Christian family) are stunted in the miracle department is that we have lost sight of what God requires in order to be spiritually strong.  We have misplaced our spiritual-growth hormone!  We have settled for artificial spiritual steroids like money, influence and leisure.  We prefer the American dream to Heaven’s standards!
In short…there is so much of the world in the church we could get into a mud-slinging contest, and not look any different when the day is done!

What are we going to do about this miserable truth?

I’m glad you asked.  The church is no different today than when Jesus established it two-thousand years ago.  Heaven is still sweet, Hell is still hot, Sin is still wrong, no matter what the world says and does…and the promises of God are still true, without change or question.
If we are going to deal with the church’s dirtiest little secret in our own lives, we will have to do it by accepting what the Lord offers as a remedy.  His remedy is peace! 
The one thing that sets believers apart (or should) from those who reject Christ, is genuine, Heaven-sent, soul-cleansing, life-altering peace!  Where I come from, that’s not a bad little bit of medicine.
Unfortunately, peace is perhaps the best-kept secret of the Christian family; it is also the least-experienced fruit of the Spirit.  As a rule, most believers do not experience peace; we do not live in it; we certainly don’t exhibit it to the world at large.  The world doesn’t see us as peace-filled people; we appear as fighting, condemning, up-tight and sour as an unripe persimmon. 
We’re stunted in God’s miracle department because even though we have declared ourselves as disciples of the Prince of Peace, it sounds empty when we say it; dirty little Christian secret, indeed! 
Now, it’s not all bad news this morning.  Yes, Virginia, there is an open door to what Apostle Paul called peace that passes understanding[2].  Let’s use the acrostic “PEACE” this morning to discover help for growing out of the spiritual “runt” stage, and becoming strong warriors of the faith, clothed in peaceable fruit.
Let’s keep our Bibles open to John 14 and see what the letters in the word “peace” tell us to do about growing strong as believers who do the great works Jesus said He wants us to do…

Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.”  Jesus replied, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am?  Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking me to show him to you?  Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?  The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me.  Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.  Or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do.  “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.  You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.  Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!  John 14:8-14
The word “believe” shows up four times in these seven verses, strong encouragement to place your faith in Jesus.
Phillip had a question for the Lord…won’t you please show us the Father?  That’s all it will take to satisfy us.  On the surface that doesn’t seem like a bad request.  Ol’ Phil just wanted to have a little vision of God, a “theophany”[3] to bolster up his faith for the tough job ahead.  We pray that as babes in Christ, please, Lord, give me a sign.
Jesus’ answer, Phillip, I’ve been with you all this time, and you still don’t know me…was a rebuke; it seemed like the Lord was losing patience.  But that’s just the point…Phillip had a front pew for 31/2 years; he should have known – he should have had deeper faith by then!  Even the blind man Jesus healed had more faith to understand that Jesus was Messiah. 
Phillip wanted visions and signs; Jesus wanted him to use his faith.  He had the same problem with the religious leaders:
Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, “Teacher, we wish to
see a sign from you.”  But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous
generation asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.  Matthew 12:38-39(NRSVA)
To part with our unbelief means we can’t be like those folks you know who are always just waiting for the Lord to give them a sign, just a little miracle, please, so I can do what you want, Lord. 
The trouble with most people who make those types of statements is that they don’t even do the basics of what the Lord has been extremely clear about for everybody…consistent worship, bringing the tithe of our income to the church, sharing our faith.  They say they want a sign so they can follow, but they’re just hiding the fact of their own unbelief.  They have no intention of following God; it just sounds good to say it!  If God really spoke to them they’d faint dead away to actually have a prayer answered!
Phillip wanted a sign because he had little faith?  No…he had the opposite of faith when he told Jesus he would be satisfied with seeing God, just, please, Jesus, do a little miracle and show me God. 
Friends we don’t even do that in the natural world.  You obeyed the speed limit when you came here this morning (hopefully); you pay your taxes and don’t manipulate the stock market because you’re an American citizen; yet, you’ve never met the President or Speaker of the House; you just obey the law of the land on faith that the law of the land still works. 
I got a nice letter from the government in 1966…it said “Greetings”; and the next thing I was on a train for an army post in South Carolina.  They put green baggy clothes on me, a gun in my hand and a hard hat on my head.  Then they sent me to Southeast Asia.  I went!  I didn’t ask to meet with President Lyndon Johnson to make sure of the orders.  I was an American; I was drafted, so I went.  Christians should be at least that willing to exercise faith towards the living God! 
If you want to see the kinds of miracles that will bless this world and turn around our culture for God, part with the unbelief that stunts your faith.
That leads us to the next letter in peace.  After the “P” comes…

“If you love me, obey my commandments.  John 8:15  
To obey in the language of the Bible is “to guard”.  It carries the picture of keeping an eye on something.  We have an expression; keep your eye on the ball.  That works well here.  We want to keep our eye on this ball of Christ’s commandments for more than watching…we want to observe, perform…OBEY!
There’s a story my daughter, Jennifer shared with me about an old man who lived in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky.  His youngest grandson lived with him and was always imitating his ‘Papa.  One day the boy told him, Papa I read the Bible like you, but I don’t understand; and I can’t remember the little I do understand.  What’s the use?
The Grandfather gave him an old basket and said, run down to the river and get me a basket of water.  The boy did, but by the time he got back the water had all leaked out.  Try again; and this time, run back.  The boy did as told, but the water still leaked from the basket.  He said, Papa, this won’t work.  He went to get a bucket instead, but the Grandfather said, no…I want a basket of water, not a bucket.  So, the boy went again, and again, but each time the water leaked out.
It’s no use, said the boy, the basket leaks.  So, you think it is useless?  The old man said, Look at the basket.  The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket looked different.  Instead of a dirty old coal basket, it was clean.  Dipping the basket in the cold mountain stream so many times had washed away years of coal dust and grit. 
Son, that's what happens when you read the Bible.  You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, it will change you from the inside out. 
A vitally important step in Parting with Unbelief is to begin to Engage Biblical Obedience.  Our lives can be like that coal basket, filled with all kinds of dirt and stuff.  Living the way Scripture describes is the cure. 
Then there is the “A” in peace…

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.  He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him.  But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.  John 14:16-17
The Advocate or Comforter is God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit – he is the Holy Ghost.  When a person confesses Christ as Savior, the Spirit of God takes up residence in the life of a believer.  The Greek word for Spirit is parakletos, which is a compound of two words, para meaning alongside, and kletos or called.  The Spirit of God is called to walk with us in our life’s journey.  The picture is one who is destined to be with a person to encourage, strengthen and help. 
This past Friday was Aldersgate Day (May 24th).  It is the day more than 250 years ago that the founder of Methodism, John Wesley records that his heart was strangely warmed.  He was describing the awakening in his life that God’s Spirit was indeed resident in him.  Mr. Wesley insisted that the way of faith in a believer was only head knowledge until it was validated by that inner experience of assurance by God’s Spirit.
When we went moved into a parsonage some years back I discovered cable TV had not ventured all the way out to meet Bethany Church Road.  That left the choices of either a satellite dish or rabbit ears and tinfoil.  Now the rabbit ears are free and would get me 3 channels (sometimes – if the weather cooperates); the dish costs your right arm and a firstborn child…but brings 6 million channels (of which only 3 are worthwhile!).  I chose the dish…go figure.
On the day the “dish-man” hooked things up he put the receiver on the roof, and inside there were wires and boxes everywhere.  (I had to beg my grandson to teach me how to use it.)  The connection with spiritual life is illustrated by the fact that, when I turned the TV on it didn’t work. I tried all the channels and got nothing.  Then I asked the “dish-guy” for help.  He tuned the receiver to the satellite in the sky, and Barney and Friends appeared!
Jesus told Phillip the Holy Spirit would guide him and all the other believers, but those who preferred worldly ways would never understand.  They would have no reception – no signal from above.  John’s gospel tells us that Jesus came to his own, but his own received Him not.[4]  There was no signal…no recognition.  They couldn’t see him then, and the world doesn’t have any better reception of Jesus now…in a world of incredible technology, they still have spiritual rabbit-ears.
But, for anyone who will, if we stay tuned-in to God’s signal by parting with unbelief…placing our faith in Jesus, and engaging obedience to the Word, the Spirit of God will continually fill and guide us in daily living.  Every day you become more like Christ, more a vessel of God’s hand, doing works, and even greater works as Jesus predicted.
P – part with unbelief, E – engage Biblical obedience, A – Accept the Filling of the Spirit, and….

I am telling you these things now while I am still with you.  But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.    John 14:25-26
Cultivating spiritual understanding is a matter of cooperating with God’s Spirit by taking in His instruction.  We do that by reading His word and studying it!  We do it by what Mr. Wesley called holy conversation.  This is sharing in the things of Christ with other believers. 
Sunday School, small group studies and meetings are indispensable for knocking the rough edges off your spiritual tuning.  Just like a satellite dish can lose its frequency because of a storm, power outage, or improper grounding….there are things in this life that work against reception of God’s instruction and understanding. 
The question is still….do you want to remain stunted in the area of doing great things for God?  Do you want your church to have spiritual runts or giants? 
There remains only one letter…

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.  John 14:27
Troubled is a word that describes the agitation of a worried soul.  Jesus ends this chapter the way it started…don’t be troubled in your heart, or afraid.  In it he covers the two biggest fears man knows, an unknown future and death itself.  The word fear has its etymology in a word we translate as timid.  It is the word that describes a void or emptiness when faith has departed.  Timidity is the opposite of faith.  Faith is the courage to do something despite the timidity that would creep into our lives.
Consider what Jesus is saying; don’t be timid or troubled.  Don’t let the unknown future unhinge you - or death; I give you peace to conquer anything you’ll face.
Compare what the world offers today with what Jesus has always offered.
·      The world offers material things, physical powers, and political solutions…Jesus offers forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
·      The world offers warrantees on material things to protect for five, ten or twenty years against mechanical failure and defects…insurance for paying hospital bills, and Government protections from the bad guys… Jesus offers eternal life without spot or wrinkle.
·      The world offers freedom to do it your way, and space to go it alone… Jesus offers his unending love and friendship…his own Spirit dwelling in your soul, peace that passes all understanding.
In short, the world offers all the best it has that you can do in your own strength, and all the best wishes to help you keep what you’ve amassed to yourself…     Jesus offers you Himself.
If we’ve become stunted in the miracle department it’s because we’ve chosen the world over Jesus.  And it leads to an absence of peace, a rise in Valium and Prozac.  We’ve chosen our own strength and we’ve put aside His power.
The secret to peace is to embrace spiritual courage to place it all at the foot of the cross…to trust Jesus with our lives; not just a little church on Sunday, but a genuine transferring of the helm of our life’s ship over to the Lord as captain.  It’s a daily surrender….

Here are my choices – Biblical choices that lead me to peace that passes understanding!

·      Parting with unbelief…living in faith for me!
·      Engaging obedience to his Word…Biblical authority for me!
·      Accepting the filling of His Spirit…that strange warmth for me!
·      Cultivating Spiritual Understanding…learning His way for me!
·      Embracing Spiritual Courage…stepping out into His strength for me!
On the peace meter that’s inside of you, what’s your rating this morning?  Does it pass all understanding? 
Are you a person of real genuine peace? 
Or are there some changes that need to happen?  Placing your faith in Jesus is the beginning place; will you begin?
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Let the church say “Amen”!

 Go to VIDEO

[1] Bible Illustrator, (Parsons Technology, Hiawatha, Ia)
[2] Philippians 4:7
[3] Physical manifestation of the Divine
[4] John 1:10

[i] All Scripture quoted is from The New Living Translation (unless otherwise stated)  Title Image:
[ii] Title Image: