
Thursday, May 9, 2013


When does a culture lose its gentleness?  I’ve watched the morphing in our culture (as have you) of “acceptable language” from the days when a certain word was only spoken by the most radical outcast, into current days when even the smallest child drops “word-bombs” frequently, and with impunity.  (Indeed, it seems a most childish activity anyway).

Language is for communicating, and I fear that the driving force behind what we communicate these days is anger, boiling just below the surface of our national skin.  What else but hostility can be the explanation of why one person looks into the eyes of another and invectively slings mud? 

My question today is, when did we lose our collective restraint?  And why?  How is it that filling others’ ears with once socially-offensive verbiage has now become not only socially-acceptable, but a sign of sophistication?

Saying powerful words is not the same as attempting to overpower all within earshot by startling, foul language.  Real strength is demonstrated by gentle restraint, the kind of self-control which foregoes superficial effect until there is something substantial to communicate. 

Let the revolution begin!

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