
Monday, July 8, 2013

Downward Spiral

July 8, 2013

The story of Naaman the Leper is a downward spiral.
  1. He discovered he had leprosy and began the downward spiral from healthy, strong, and important military leader to outcast, social pariah.
  2. He went down to the prophet.  Naaman’s servant, a little Jewish girl told him about Elisha the Jewish prophet who might be able to help.  Naaman grumbled, but went to seek healing.  This part of the downward spiral was particularly humbling as the Jews were lowly captives of Naaman’s own Assyrian armies.
  3. Against his better judgment he went down into the Jordan River as Elisha required (not once but seven times – talk about down, down, down!)
  4. And, finally, he went down on his knees, humbly, in response to the cleansing, not only of his skin from leprosy, but his heart in worship. 
Truly, Naaman’s downward spiral led to being lifted up, healed and set on the right pathway of relationship with the Heavenly Father.

There are times when the downward spiral looks like the pit from which you’ll never recover – a lost job, health issues, rocky marriage or relationships.  But God specializes in “everlasting arms stuff”.  

When you’re falling in that downward spiral, look up, but remember WHO is underneath; with wings like a mother eagle, the great God of Elisha is able to keep us from falling!

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