
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

All Creation!

Tuesday – October 1, 2013

Imagine you have been summoned by a judge to appear in her court.  You GO, right?  After all, the authority of the entire community is vested in that court’s bench.  You must comply!  But people do defy the judge’s orders.  I’ve seen it.

The words of the Psalmist evoke not only scenes of majesty and the wonder of all God’s created universe – there is also the awesome reality of nature’s threat.  Trembling and quaking are fearful pictures.  We’ve seen enough of nature’s brutality to know that!

To “acknowledge that the Lord is God is simply to respond to the authority of the Maker of all.  And creation must respond its Creator; that is the nature of the universe.  We are “the sheep of His pasture”.  Like Apple™ and Windows™ computers respond to their particular operating systems – and no other – we respond to the One who is our Shepherd.  And the command is – respond with praise to Him alone; give praise to the Lord God…and no other!

Friends, that is more than just a passing curtsy before the throne.  It’s more than sitting in church (or standing to preach a sermon, teach a class) on a Sunday.  It’s more than “paying your dues” or tipping your hat to “the man upstairs” (don’t get me started on that one!).

Acknowledging that the Lord is God means placing your life, possessions, reputation, time, service and anything else associated with who you are, what you own, your talents and weaknesses, and whatever else you hope to be and accomplish….all at His disposal.  It means dedicating your life to do His will – not your own.


Glad you asked.

Jesus said so.  Remember that prayer in Gethsemane? – not MY will, but Yours, Father.

Jesus showed us so.  Remember that Cross on Golgotha?  That was God’s will –

The Lord is…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.         2 Peter 3:9b (KJV)

When Jesus says it, and shows it, it becomes our mission to live it out with and for each other.  That’s entering his gates with thanksgiving and coming into his courts with praise!

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