
Monday, November 18, 2013

Praise in the Darkness

I will sing of the LORD’s unfailing love forever! 
Young and old will hear of your faithfulness.  Psalms 89:1 (NLT)
The Psalmist lives in my wheelhouse.
Ethan’s prayer begins with praise for the unfailing [covenant] love of God which goes on forever.  Forty-eight verses later he’s asking God if his email is down; what’s going on?
Lord, where is your unfailing love?  
You promised it to David with a faithful pledge.  Consider, Lord, how your servants are disgraced!  I carry in my heart the insults of so many people.  Your enemies have mocked me, O LORD; they mock your anointed king wherever he goes.  Psalms 89:49-51 (NLT)
Now, don’t misunderstand me – I don’t think it’s wrong to question God.  So many of the prayers in Scripture (and ours) are laced with “Why” and “How Long” and “What” and “Where (are you) O Lord”?  It’s normal to go to the source for answers.  If God is your source, you go to Him!
But notice the way this long prayer ends.
Praise the LORD forever!  
Amen and amen!   Psalms 89:52 (NLT)

So, in your asking, your pleading, your questioning…end your prayer the way Ethan did…back at the foot of faith…praise for His unfailing love; it’s always there, whether we see it or not!

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