Walt Kelly drew the Pogo©
comic strip for several decades. I read
it in my childhood, little-suspecting that it was a political cartoon – often
about the way we are polluting the environment.
The forlorn opossum said many wise things about how we are shooting
ourselves in the foot politically, economically and environmentally.
While the saying “we have
met the enemy and he is us” may not have originated with Walt Kelly, it is widely-associated
with his character, Pogo.
I have an idea the original
thought is entirely Biblical.
The Psalmist named the
enemies in verses 6-8: these Edomites and Ishmaelites; Moabites and Hagrites; Gebalites, Ammonites, and Amalekites; and people from Philistia and Tyre. Assyria has joined them, too, and is allied with the descendants of Lot. (NLT)
So Who are God’s Enemies?
The prayer of Asaph (Psalm
83) asks God to destroy His enemies, the enemies of Israel. Considering how often Israel was disobedient
and arrogantly wandering away from God, it hardly seems like a safe thing to
have that prayer answered. Often,
Israel’s actions placed her more in the enemy camp than in God’s loving
And this brings me to
us….the “good ol’ US of A”.
I’ve often heard
nationalism substituted for Christianity.
And it is in no short supply, prayer-wise, around July 4th. We pray, O,
Lord, protect our beloved nation from its enemies and Yours.
But…are we really on that
kind of strong, friendly terms with God?
A nation with moral issues that would make ancient Greeks
and Romans blush?
A nation consuming the world’s resources like we own them?
A nation willing to abort its own children like ancient
A nation where ethics are unimportant; just don’t get caught
with your hand in the till?
I digress: We have met the enemy and he is us!
Chuck Colson wrote: “…indifference to truth is at the root of the
moral collapse in American life.”[1]
Colson’s thesis is sadly
being proven accurate in our day with little light at the end of the
tunnel. It will take a revival of miracle
proportions (well aren’t they always?) to turn this nation and world
around. It will take sackcloth and ashes
kind of repentance I have never seen in my lifetime.
But is there hope?
Revival doesn’t begin with
towns or groups or religious denominations. Revival begins in the hearts of people….one at
a time.
Are you one of those who will
pray? Today would be a wonderful day to
begin laying aside the Prayer of Jabez (for all kinds of blessings), and begin
praying the prayer of contrition, confession and godly sorrow. Who knows, perhaps it can change.
Then, perhaps, we can say: we have
met the friends of God and they are us!
Colson, Charles W., Burden of Truth (Defending
Truth in an Age of Unbelief), Wheaton, Tyndale House, 1997, p.x
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