
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Good News!

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”      Matthew 28:18 - 20 (NLT)

While attending seminary our two older children, Jennifer and Jason, seemed to attract every other child in the mobile home park for after-school games of hide and seek.
Our youngest, Carrie, was not quite 3-and (in the minds of the older siblings) always in the way. It was something you could count on; ten minutes into the games our little one would get pushed aside or skin a knee.
One afternoon she came through the front door crying for mommy.  She had gotten the worst again.  My wife, Elizabeth, attempted to comfort her by giving her two freshly baked cookies.  "Now, don't tell the big kids yet," she cautioned, "I haven't finished; I haven't got enough for everybody yet."
It took less than three seconds for Carrie to make it to the screen door, fling it wide, and announce to the big kids, Cookies, I gots cookies!
Great news should be shared with enthusiasm!                         
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Great News!
Unfortunately most Christians don’t share this news at all.  You almost have to get a subpoena to get the truth out of ‘em, that Christ is their Savior.
I asked a member of a church I served to tell me how he came to know Christ.  He said, that’s a personal matter.           While  that is decidedly true, it is not something God wants us to keep to ourselves.


What about a fresh start?  How about today beginning with a prayer that God would make the Gospel like warm cookies placed in your hands. 
Great for you…better if shared with your neighbor!
Then tell your pastor – it will be great news there too!
And, while you’re at it, tell your children, and cousins, and barber, and your broker (she might be able to use some good news).  Tell the man who picks up your garbage, and the guy who works on your car.
Go ahead…Jesus said he’d go with you.

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