
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jeff & Ruby

Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Jeff and Ruby, a sweet elderly couple who blessed my heart on more than one occasion, had been married a very long time and had learned the art of being patient.  

One Sunday, an hour after worship, there was a knock at the parsonage door.  "Pastor Russell, I hate to bother you, but I think I left my purse in the church" said Ruby.  When we got there we found it right where they had sat for the morning service.  As she picked up her purse, Ruby whispered to me with a wry smile, "Jeff will never let me forget this." 

We walked back through the foyer, and as I was opening the door I noticed a hat on one of the pegs.  I said, "Looks like you weren't the only one to forget something, Ruby."  Jeff said, "I believe that's mine."  He put it on his head and didn't say another word.

Marriages, families and communities cannot exist without patience.  To help develop this character trait God has given us the reminder of Romans 14:10 that we will all stand in judgment before God.  It’s more difficult to judge your neighbor or spouse or family member when your own sins stand before you.


Begin the practice of compassionate listening and patience by kneeling before God with your own sins that need forgiving.  Then you’re ready to pass the Jeff & Ruby test.

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