
Thursday, January 16, 2014

So Much Anger - Part II

Thursday, January 16, 2014
The most common result of human anger is the division of souls.  We divide ourselves from one another with our anger.  That is largely because anger clouds judgment and we do things we’d never ordinarily do when we are angry.  And we do it to people we’d never want to hurt.  That is why the LORD inspired Paul to write a prohibition against unchecked anger for Christians:

Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, Ephesians 4:26 (NRSV)

God knows that anger will creep in; it’s a human emotion that builds inside because we are a fallen people.  But he forbids us to let that which creepeth-in to be that which is allowed to stayeth around

Don’t let the day pass without dealing with your anger; don’t let it fester and destroy relationships.  I’ve known people who buried their anger; years pass, until just the right time, and – wham – they let the object of their grudge have it right between the eyes.  That’s shameful for a Christian!

A woman was hauled into court and told the judge that her husband is a horrible neat freak and he drives me nuts about keeping everything tidy.  After the couple argued about the proper alignment of table place settings, [she] rented a 3,000-pound, pneumatic tire forklift…and drove it through the front wall of their one-story frame house.  

According to neighbors who witnessed the incident, she used the machine to smash the dining
room table.  "[He] yelled at me about where his fork was supposed to go," she said, "and I figured I’d fix it with a forklift."  Neighbors said [she] seemed "wild-eyed" and distraught during the attack and kept screaming…at her husband, who took refuge in the kitchen.  The moral of that story is:  never marry a woman who knows how to operate heavy machinery.[1] 

Not letting the sun go down on your anger doesn’t mean taking it out on the closest target before dark.  It means dealing with your anger honestly and with humility.


Take a few moments to review how you have dealt with anger you feel on the inside, and how you’ve responded to others’ anger in the past.

Tomorrow ….get ready to conquer that anger as we look at God’s remedy.

[1] Tim Harlow on

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