
Monday, June 2, 2014

Never Alone

Tuesday, June 3, 2014
I can never be lost to your Spirit!  I can never get away from my God!  
If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the place of the dead, you are there.  If I ride the morning winds to the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, your strength will support me.  If I try to hide in the darkness, the night becomes light around me.   Psalms 139:7-11
I am constantly amazed at how close God is, particularly because I take so little notice of all the ways I am connected to him.  His care goes on “behind the scenes” in spite of how dull my senses are in detecting God’s providence.

Here’s something my daughter Carrie shared with me that brought this fact into clear focus the other day.  Carrie lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her husband, Shannon, and their two boys.  They attended a graduation ceremony a week ago.
At that graduation they met some interesting folks from “up North”.  And this is how the story unfolds:

Elizabeth and I grew up in the same small town on Long Island, NY.  We met in 1964 and married in 1967.  

Our Senior year in high school (1964-65) there was a new teacher, Mr. Charles Stile.  I didn’t remember him until I looked at our yearbook last week.

Elizabeth and I moved to Florida in 1977 and two years later Carrie was born. 

Carrie met Shannon in 1997, and they married in 2000. 

Last year Shannon’s nephew, Dylan, met Kayla, who recently graduated in Jacksonville.

At the graduation Kayla introduced my daughter, Carrie and family to her grandfather, Mr. Charles Stile.

Coincidence…6° of Separation…or Whatever

I don’t believe in coincidence, and the 6°of Separation theory, for me, is simply an acknowledgement of God’s purpose in creating us in His image.  If there’s THAT MUCH connection in our lives, it must have something to do with the connection God hard-wired us to have with Him! 

In short, we were made for him, and, believe it or not – like it or not – there’s nowhere in the universe you will not be connected to Him.

For You, Today

If you accept the “connectedness” between you and God, Psalms 139 is comforting – He is everywhere, you are never alone!

If you reject it – well – He’s still there; you’re just in for a different experience as He attempts to get your attention some other way.

Either way – you’re never alone!

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