
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Favorite Food

Thursday, July 10, 2014
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.  Matthew 5:6 (NRSV)
Being blessed is a matter of craving the righteousness of God like a starving man craves food.  What is the righteousness of God?  It is simply the goodness you see in Jesus. 

A good appetite is a sign of health.  A child in the crib that demands to be fed is
judged as healthy.  He lets the whole county know how he feels about it. 

Loss of appetite is a danger signal. The number one measurement of the health of your spiritual life is your appetite for spiritual things.  Let's take the temperature. 

·        Do you love to study God's word? 
·        Do you have a deep desire to have the blessing of God on your life more than watching TV, sleeping-in? 
·        Is it one of the great joys of your life to be around God's family? 
·        Do you love to give testimony of what God is doing in your life? 

Jacob wrestled fiercely with the angel of God all night long, vowing he would never let go until he had the blessing of God.  John Knox hungered and thirsted after God so intensely he cried,   "Give me Scotland, or I die."


A common beech tree will drink 65 gallons or more each day, drawing it sometimes over 100 feet to the top branches.  We still don't know how that really happens, but the tree hungers and thirsts for it.  When it stops, it is a signal that it is dead...Not dying, DEAD! 

There is a parallel.  You may have once realized your need, been poor in spirit.  You may, in spiritual mourning over your sins been born into the kingdom.  In true meekness you became a servant of God – but then, did you lose your appetite for the water of life somewhere?  You started with promise, but are you STILL hungering and thirsting for God's Word, His righteousness?  Are you serving and seeking Him like a starving, thirsting, desperate man?  Or are you ignoring the hunger?  Have you become spiritually-anorexic? 

If so, there is still time to change. 

For You, Today

The Psalmist said Taste and see that the Lord is good[1].

Let God reclaim your appetite.  Obey one biblical truth starting today and see what nourishment comes of it. 

Begin growing again.

[1] Psalms 34:8

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