
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

For Me?

Monday, December 8, 2014[1]
On this second Monday of Advent, we are well on the path where we are preparing to receive Christ anew this season. It seems a great distance to Christ[‘s] death on the cross. Yet, most of us are well aware of the sacrifice to be made by Christ, to be killed as the Pascal Lamb at Passover.
This passage from Acts places us in the time of the first Pentecost. Many were immediately convicted by the Gospel story. Those first Christian converts felt the responsibility while considering Jesus’ passion – his sacrificial death on their behalf. So much so, they asked Peter and the other disciples, “What should we do?”
Peter said, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” That day three thousand were baptized, and added to the church.
We may wonder if this Gospel promise is for us? Is it for our family? Is it for us all? Peter tells those early seekers, it is for “everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.”
Who can we doubt who he calls? The passion story leaves no one unchanged who enters into understanding the details of what Jesus was doing, and realizes the personal sacrifice Jesus made was not self-serving but was for you and me. The object of Jesus’ action was for everyone but himself.
This message is personal. This call is for you.
How will you answer this call?
Pastor Matt Gary, Wheeler & Allison UMC’s;
Northwest Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church

[1] During this blessed season of Advent we will enjoy together daily devotions which are shared by Local Pastors and Associate Members of the United Methodist Church from around the United States.  I had the privilege of participating in this project, and look forward to sharing these daily uplifting thoughts with you over the season from now (Thanksgiving) to January 1st.  Each author will be identified, and we thank them in advance for each contribution.

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