
Monday, December 15, 2014

When the Thief Arrives

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
For you know quite well that the day of the Lord’s return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.          1 Thessalonians 5:2 (NLT)
We live in an age that is very, very exciting.  Events happen every day in the Middle East that are possible signals of the beginning of the end.  Christ could be very near.  The church could go home at any moment. 
These events are inescapable; they are inevitable. 
It is my sincere prayer that you are ready to meet Him – either in death as His angels carry you to heaven, or in the air as Jesus comes for you in the rapture of His church.  He is coming – you just don’t know when – but you do know He is coming!
Wilmer McLean was a farmer in the Shenandoah Valley in 1861.  In the spring of that year two powerful armies met on his property—the Union army under General McDowell and the Confederate army under General Beauregard. The bloodiest war in American history began at Bull Run, a creek that ran through McLean's property.
McLean was not at all sure why the armies were fighting, but he was quite sure he did not want them fighting on his property.  If he could not change the course of the war, he at least did not have to be part of it.  McLean decided to sell out and go where the war would never find him.

He chose the most obscure place in the whole country—or so he thought – an old house in the village of Appomattox Court House, Virginia.  Four years later General Grant was pursuing General Lee through Virginia.  In Appomattox County, Grant sent a message to Lee asking him to meet and sign a truce.  The place where they met to sign the peace that ended the Civil War was Wilmer McLean's living room! 

Some things you cannot get away from.[1]

The coming of Christ to claim His bride, the church, will be suddenly, without warning.  Remember, Jesus Christ described His coming as a “thief in the night”.

And the thief rarely sends a telegram, email, tweet or text to announce his presence; he never uses the front door.  He’s in and out before you know what happened!

For you, today

I pray you’re ready.  If not, turn to God now and place your trust in Jesus Christ.  Forgiveness of sin is the “readiness factor” for the arrival of the thief.

And while you’re at it, tell somebody else today, a friend, relative, neighbor or co-worker that you’re ready; you’re prepared for when the thief arrives. 

It’s called Advent; preparing for His coming!

[1] James R. Edwards, The Divine Intruder (NavPress, 2000), p.154

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