
Friday, November 27, 2015

Fear Factor - Part 4

Devotion VIDEO here

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.  
2 Timothy 1:7(NLT)

So far this week we have looked at “fear” as a debilitating enemy we need to expect, because it is the main tool of our number 1 enemy, Satan, who wishes to destroy the eternal life we receive in Christ.  We begin to deal with fear by exposing it, bringing it out in the light.  And then we, as Jean Luc Picard would say, engage our fears by fighting with every spiritual weapon at our disposal.

Today we want to look at the outcome of this kind of spiritual warfare. 

Here’s what happens when expected fear comes and you expose it and engage it in faith…you’re:

Hidden in the cleft of the rock

People who find the presence of God absent from their lives are people who've gone away from God.  (Remember, He never moves!)

People who come close to God in confession find themselves, like Moses, placed in the cleft of the rock, a place covered by the shadow of the Almighty's hand. 

In Scripture the covering reminds us of the mercy seat on top of the Ark of Covenant.  To be forgiven is to receive the mercy of God, having our sin covered, as if buried in the deepest part of the ocean. 

The covering was the place where the Lord's presence dwelt. 

My friend, if you want to have your sins forgiven and placed under the mercy of God, where one would have to pry God Himself off the lid in order to ever accuse you, simply bring yourself close to Him in worship; commune with the Lord, face to face. 

Face up to your past and all the emptiness of fear and defeat. 

This is how you expose your fear and engage it with faith.  Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.[2]

I don’t know of a better example of this than what our daughter, Jennifer, did on her birthday
a few years ago. 

She had a fear of heights.  What she did was jump out of a plane (with a parachute). 

That is exactly what it means to engage and face-down the fear-demon.

For You Today

So….got fear? 

The first step in doing what you fear is always the hardest. 

And the promise of Jesus is always, “…take it – and I’ll handle the fear factor!”

Think about that out on the Rocky Road today…and have a great day!

[1] Title image:  By Spc. Megan Leuck, via Wikimedia Commons
[2] Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) , The Bible Illustrator, Parson’s Technology, Hiawatha Ia

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