
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Self- Control

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  There is no law against these things!  Galatians 5:22-23(NLT)
Continuing with our journal from a short mission trip to South Africa:

Zimbabwe Journal, Sunday, October 7, 2007

“We left for Victoria Falls – only 10 minutes’ drive away.  We were not disappointed.  This incredible sight reminded me of Niagara and the Grand Canyon, and, of course, the magnificent hand of our Creator, God.

We walked one side of the canyon along the river, moving along the ridge on paved walkways.  It was worth the seat and mosquitoes – and then some!

Tammy and Matt (above) are a husband and wife missionary team.  Tammy also loves to do photo journalism.  Mat hates it that Tammy has no fear of getting right up to the edge of a 300-foot drop – straight down, no safety net!  He spent most of the walk holding-on to the back of Tammy’s backpack, holding her back like you’d restrain a toddler from Greensboro traffic.

From the overwhelming pristine beauty of Victoria Falls we descended to the shopping mall.  It was an outdoor market for tourists.  And from the moment we stepped off the bus we were surrounded by young men who do not know the meaning of “I don’t want it”.

Within a half-hour I’d emptied my pockets of the money I brought to bring home a few keepsakes, and realized I had bought some heavy items to lug around Zimbabwe until it was time to go home.


When we returned to the lodge Gertie had a wonderful fish dinner ready.  We’ve been in Zimbabwe for 7 hours and already consumed more food than most African people eat in a week.

I guess that when it comes to leaning over a cliff, Matt wished Tammy had a little more of the Spirit’s self-control.  And I’m also guessing the Lord wishes the same for me when I get too close to the dinner table.

As for Victoria Falls, one of the famed seven wonders, it’s hard to exercise any kind of control when it comes to the awe and wonder you feel standing near to where God’s hand has drawn so dramatically on earth’s canvass.  And, with Paul, I don’t think there’s a law against feeling that way!

For You Today

What brings out the child in you?  What makes you stand wide-eyed and jaw-dropped?  If you have trouble answering that…it’s been too long since you stood in His presence.

You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road today…have a blessed day!


[i] Title Images: Russell Brownworth (own work)

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