
Friday, February 9, 2018

Shipwrecked Faith

Friday, February 9, 2018
Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier.  May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.  Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear.  For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.  Hymenaeus and Alexander are two examples.  I threw them out and handed them over to Satan so they might learn not to blaspheme God.  1 Timothy 1:18-20(NLT)
Paul was Timothy’s mentor.  From other references in Scripture we know that Timothy was raised in a Godly household, and Paul was probably instrumental in his conversion.[2]  Timothy accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys, and at times was sent to churches by Paul when he couldn’t go personally.  Six of Paul’s letters have Timothy’s greetings to the churches, if not his influence in what Paul wrote. 
As much as Paul was a tutor and “father” in the faith to Timothy, this friendship included Timothy’s influence on Paul.  When Paul came to the end of his days on earth he called for Timothy to come to the Roman prison, and bring the Scripture scrolls (2 Timothy 4:9).   Like any other human, at the end you want your closest friends.  For Paul it was the Word of God and his “son” in the faith.
In giving Timothy some final instructions for his life and ministry, Paul charged Timothy to live with particular attention to the meaning of his name, which is:  honoring God.
The caution to Timothy in this advice is that only an un-violated conscience can honor God.  Hymenaeus and Alexander were believers who had crossed that line intentionally.  It may have been that they were under some pressure from authorities to deny Christ, or it may have been a temptation that they just weren’t willing to fight…but it was serious enough for Paul to act with discipline – a last ditch effort to save their souls.  These men had made a shipwreck of their faith walk with Christ; Paul was throwing them a compassionate lifeline in the form of a wakeup call.  Better to get a cold splash of holy water in the face than wake up in the searing fires of hell.
The whole point is conscience – that inner voice of God’s Holy Spirit which, if we let Him, directs our daily life’s choices, and leads us into living a Godly life.  Paul strongly reminded Timothy that nothing mattered as much as clinging to that faith (in Christ) once-delivered to the saints.  Trusting Christ would help him stay clean in conscience and strong in the battle against the darkness of life in a godless world. 
This is certainly true in the life and ministry of those called to work in God’s field.  And whether pastor or lay person, we are ALL called to labor in God’s vineyard!  God calls us to do so with these clean tools: 
·       faith in Christ alone,
·       the Word of God,
·       unending prayer,
·       the daily surrender of self, and
·       a clean conscience. 
These are the tools of a follower of Jesus; we must keep those tools clean and sharp!
For You Today
Look over your toolbox today.  When you reach for help in that toolbox you don’t need to find a dull, rusted conscience!
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.

Go to Devotion VIDEO

[1] Title Image:  Courtesy of
[2] Robert Dean in Holman Bible Dictionary © 1991 Holman Bible Publishers Electronic Edition STEP Files

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