
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Lenten Walk - Part 19

Tuesday, March 13, 2018
If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.  The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand.  When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.  
1 Corinthians 10:12-13(NLT)
Paul’s wild-child in the faith was the Corinthian bunch, a church planted in a garden that was a rampant sinful culture; it was sexually-charged, superstitious, arrogant and unrestrained.  That certainly sounds like the 21st century in the good ol’ USA! 
The letters Paul wrote to the church at Corinth were heavy on correcting their wrong ideas about how to live the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ.  And in these three short sentences we find some of the greatest (and sometimes most misunderstood) advice to any believer endeavoring to live the life in-Christ when residing in a culture that is a moral cesspool.

There is a caution

Paul says that human nature is now what it has always been; what is written in Scripture about those who fell into sin is there to teach and remind us of just how powerful and insidious moral failure can be.  In the current day we should not need such words; our culture would probably make 1st century Corinthians blush!

There is a reminder: 

Paul reminds his fellow believers that God is faithful, and will not allow a temptation in your life greater than you are able to withstand.  This is one of those verses that is so-often misunderstood.  Sometimes temptation comes that is way over our pay grade.  That doesn’t mean God has laid-down his faithfulness; it usually means we have wandered off the straight path and gone looking for forbidden fruit.

There is a light:  

Notice Paul didn’t write in his letters to the believers IF you are tempted; he used the more definite WHEN you are tempted.  Temptation is a little like trials and tribulations.  You’re either in the middle of one, just come out of one, or, brace yourself because you’re about to bump-into one. 
The great reformer Martin Luther analogized temptations as the picture of birds circling overhead.  His teaching was that you cannot help it if they land on your head, but you certainly have something to say about them building a nest up there.
Temptation is a fact of life in the fallen human race.  But Paul points to the light that God will always provide a sure path to defeat temptation.  The light Paul offers in his advice to the Corinthians is equipped with the switch, so-to-speak, that is in our hands.  God will show you the way out IF you’re ready to cooperate with the Spirit and do the right thing.  If you’re pre-disposed to claiming victim status – that you can’t resist – the temptation is too strong, what you’re really saying is that Christ in you is a lie, and God’s promise is untrue.
My dear Christian friends, save the cards, letters, and emails about the power of addictions and the pitiful nature of those with poor genetic inheritance; temptation is an offer of sin against Almighty God, whom you have promised to worship and obey.  Like you, I have a carnal nature within that feels the pull of temptation.  I also have the Spirit within fighting against that nature.  Which is going to win that spiritual war going on?  The answer is much like the owner of two fighting dogs – the dog that is equipped to win is the one the owner feeds.  Feed your temptation/addiction/genetic-disposition with its cravings…or feed your spirit that which dwells on a higher plane.
For You Today
1 Hand-PenGod has promised to provide a pathway through, around, or over the temptations that come your way.  The choice comes down to the straight and narrow, but sometimes really hard way…or the one our culture offers.  The choice is always ours!                         
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.


[1] Title Image:  Courtesy of

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