
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Through the Gate of Righteousness With the Key of Mercy

The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.  Songs of joy and victory are sung in the camp of the godly.  The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!  The strong right arm of the Lord is raised in triumph.  The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!  I will not die; instead, I will live to tell what the Lord has done.  The Lord has punished me severely, but he did not let me die.  Open for me the gates where the righteous enter, and I will go in and thank  the Lord.  These gates lead to the presence of the Lord, and the godly enter there.  I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me victory!  The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.  This is the Lord’s doing, and it is wonderful to see.  This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:14-24(NLT)
The probability of being dealt five cards in a poker hand and having the best possible hand, a “royal flush” (all five cards in the same suit, and in perfect order; Ten – Jack – Queen – King - Ace) are: 649,739 to 1[1].  (I looked it up!)

My “friends” dealt me a perfect hand once.  We weren’t playing poker, but it was one of those “two-young-couples-too-poor-to-go-to-the-movies” kind of nights.  Elizabeth and I had our friends Curt and Cindy over.  It was late; the kids were already in beds.  We were all a little reluctant to end the night; we’d had a lot of fun. 
So I got up to put on some coffee so we could continue our   “almost awake” card-playing.  When I got back to the table, Curt had dealt the cards and I picked mine up to discover I had all 13 spades; I was holding a perfect hand.  My heart began to pound!  I was going to clean house!
When I looked up there were three sets of eyes welling-up with goofy tears.  Curt had stacked the deck!  They couldn’t hold it another second…all three of my “friends” burst into laughter.  I chased him out into the front yard, but he was too fast!  Royal flushes and perfect hands – the card player’s dream! 
There are also those nightmarish times when you’ve bet the farm and you don’t have a prayer.  That would’ve described Israel.  Our Psalm describes the celebration after one incredible, improbable victory.  Evidently the odds were so stacked against God’s people that winning the battle made them all shake their heads.  Eugene Peterson’s The Message paraphrases verse 17, I didn’t die. I lived!  It is as if the survivors looked around in disbelief that they had made it through the meat grinder unscathed.
It was as if all the cosmic tumblers in the world had clicked into place and the massive vault door to victory swung wide-open. 
It was like me having a golf match against Tiger Woods, and I not only beat Tiger, I beat him so badly he stomps his clubs to death and gives up golf!  Talk about things that are just not going to happen!
Now, if it is so that we can look at really awful circumstances and sense that all is lost, imagine the certainty of doom the disciples felt staring at the Roman soldiers sealing-up that tomb Friday afternoon.  Even the most wide-eyed optimist would not have quoted Yogi Berra’s it ain’t over til it’s over.  This was O-V-E-RJesus was stone-cold….dead! 
Except…..(with all due respect to Mr. Berra)….nothing is over until God says it’s over!  Sunday morning Jesus came out of that tomb; the stone the builders rejected became a crushing stone.  Everything about evil and death and sin were crushed like stale bread under that rolling stone! 
Later the apostle Peter would write about it to the church this way:
To you then who believe, he is precious; but for those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the very head of the corner,” and “A stone that makes them stumble, and a rock that makes them fall.” 
1 Peter 2:7-8(NRSV)
There is a separation in all of God’s creation that speaks to us especially on Easter Sunday.  Everything in nature has its’ opposite; hot has its cold, up has a down, and you either love NC State or you don’t! 
I saw another one of those license plates this week that proclaims a divided and broken home – one half of the plate has the NC logo; the other State!

With Christ and the resurrection there is also a separation; you either believe a dead man got out of the tomb and lived – or you don’t!  It’s that simple.  When a person makes up his mind about the person of Jesus Christ – who He is, and what He did – that also decides that person’s fate.
The Psalm in question here (118) gives the picture of folks walking right in the gate of righteousness and thanking the Lord.  They were on the winning side of the battle; their lives were preserved and they’ve got a lot for which to be thankful. 
But notice the verse near the end of our Psalm: 
This is the LORD’S doing…Psalm 118:23(NLT)
These people understood that they did not win any victory; it was God who fought and won. 
The gate of righteousness – the ability to walk right into God’s presence – is God’s gate; He owns it!  And His requirement for any who would have an audience with Him is moral perfection, righteousness.  The gate is locked to sinners. 
What opens the gate?  God’s mercy key…simple faith, or trust in God.  God’s word tells us there is no way around, under or over that gate; anyone who wants to be right with God must go through that gate.  You cannot break it down with good works or anything at all that you do.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God—not the result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9(NRSVA)
It is the key of mercy that opens God’s gate.
Death wrapped its ropes around me; the terrors of the grave overtook me.  I saw only trouble and sorrow.  Then I called on the name of the Lord:  “Please, Lord, save me!”  How kind the Lord is! How good he is!  So merciful, this God of ours!  Psalms 116:3-5(NLT)
The bedrock of the Christian faith is that only God is truly righteous; He is immutable, un-convictable in his character, thoughts, and actions.  Only God is good!  Only God can extend salvation, and He does it the way He has chosen to do it – through the cross and empty tomb.
When Jews share the Passover it’s customary to sing the Psalms as they eat and tell the story of God’s rescuing His children out of Egyptian bondage.  The Passover itself is the story of how the final plague, the death of the firstborn son, came upon Egypt.  All the Hebrew slaves sacrificed a lamb and sprinkled its blood on the door posts; the death angel passed-over all the houses where the doors were covered in sacrificial blood.  It was the key to their survival. 
It was God’s mercy. 
During the meal they would sing Psalms 113-114.  After the meal they would complete the story by singing Psalms 115-118 (our text today). 
On Good Friday Jesus and His disciples gathered in an upper room; they sang the story.  It is very likely that the last song they sang together was our text – a song of victory – then they headed to Gethsemane.
They sang a song of God’s mercy and his gate of righteousness; then Jesus went out to become the Lamb of God’s mercy and fulfill His righteousness.  Jesus fulfilled all righteousness, and then walked into the gate of God’s presence.  Jesus walked through the holy gate of righteousness so that the mercy key would open the gate for us as well.  Hallelujah; what a Savior!
Can you say that?  Can you say “he’s MY Savior”?  The Gospel is very clear…Thomas, the doubting disciple asked Jesus to help him understand what Jesus wanted, where He was going, and…        
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  John 14:6 (NRSV)
You cannot say he is MY Savior unless you’ve surrendered in faith to Him.  As Jesus told the crowds he was teaching that He had come from the Father to call everyone to salvation…
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.  But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe.  Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away;           John 6:35 - 37 (NRSVA)
The point is unmistakable that Jesus has called – but not everyone answers.  Some will never come to Jesus.  Friends it is not a matter of…
·               Coming to Jesus isn’t about hanging around the church house or around Christian people, or...
·                 giving money until you’ve given enough, or…
·                 participating in activities, or…
·                 serving on committees, or…
·                 reading the Bible.
All of these are good…fellowship, stewardship, working, serving, studying; but these are not answering the call of Jesus to come to Him. 
Jesus doesn’t want your time, talents and tithes; Jesus wants YOU!  Those other things will come naturally if you’ve given your life to Him, but HAVE you given your life to Him?  Have you given Him YOU?
There is a gate of righteousness that opens into heaven.  Someday you will die and you will be standing at that gate.  You will understand you are in the presence of Almighty Jehovah, the Lord God Omnipotent.  Your life’s deeds and a question will flash before you.  The question will be from God,
·                      Have you been perfect, as I am perfect?  Immediately your mind will see that candy bar you stole from the store as a child and you will know in your soul you weren’t perfect:
Exodus 20:15 You shall not steal.
·                      Have you been perfect, as I am perfect?  Immediately your mind will see that scene in the locker room back in high school when all the team was using profanity and you will know in your soul you weren’t perfect:
Exodus 20:7 You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.
·                      Have you been perfect, as I am perfect?  Immediately your mind will see that scene at work where you were asked a question and you left out some important information, and you will know in your soul you weren’t perfect:
Exodus 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
On that day we will all know we were not perfect; there are no perfect hands, because there’s never been a perfect person…except the spotless Lamb of God, who died for imperfect people who have less-than-perfect records. 
If you have surrendered your trust to Jesus, when it comes to the gate of righteousness, you’ll have a key of mercy – and even though you will know you’re not perfect, the key will open the door…and you’ll be home!
Let the church say Amen in the Name of the Father, Because of the Son, Cooperating with the Spirit…Amen!

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