
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Case For Worship

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
The Lord is king!  Let the nations tremble!  He sits on his throne between the cherubim.  Let the whole earth quake!  The Lord sits in majesty in Jerusalem, exalted above all the nations.  Let them praise your great and awesome name.  Your name is holy!  Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness.  You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel.  Exalt the Lord our God!  Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!  Psalm 99:1-5(NLT)
The Psalmist doesn’t leave much wiggle-room.  According to this Psalm the entire creation (rightfully) gives honor and praise, responding to its Maker with trembling, quaking, exaltation, and bowing at His holy feet.  There is no half-heartedness in this worship service. 
The reason behind worship could take more pen and ink than exists.  Just the mention of His name leads us to the source of awesome and holy.  He is the King of all because, as Creator, He is the author of all which exists.  How could we do other than worship?
But the Psalmist (as I mentioned above) leaves no room for question; besides being the author and sustainer of creation, God’s character is also reason enough to elicit praise from His creation.  He is the lover of justice, having established fairness, acting this way constantly towards all people.  Creating something presupposes the power to un-create it, or destroy what you’ve created.  You have the power to either sustain or unplug what you’ve made, like a child with a Legos castle takes it all down when she gets bored. 
Only there’s nothing boring or bored about God with His creation.  Rather than take-down a flawed creation, our loving, awesome, righteous and holy God is also willing to be humble, dying for us, so we don’t have to be destroyed.
So, this is the case for worship, bowing low at the foot of His throne.  When we rejected His Son, God reacted with lovingkindness.  We reject His love; He embraces us until we repent and come home…to his open arms, waiting to receive and bless.  We deserve nothing, but He still offers us everything!
How could you NOT worship a God like that?
For You Today
If worship gets a little boring sometimes, try taking your mind off the music you don’t like, or the preacher who just doesn’t seem to excite your imagination, or the kids (or their grandmother) who can’t keep quiet in the service, or the cracks in the wall, or the lag time between hymns, or, or, or…..
Try a little bowing at the feet of awesome majesty; boredom isn’t worship.
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day. 


[1] Title Image:  Courtesy of

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