
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Saturday Morning Massacre

Thursday, August 23, 2018
Proverbs 30:1-2(NLT)
Since we dealt with snakes in the church grass yesterday, I might as well deal with my other mania and get it out of the way; we’re talking arachnids today, the eight-legged scourge of the earth.
In our family I was always the designated hitter when it came to anything crawling, flying or slithering.  My girls were especially terrified of crawling things.  Spiders were the worst!  I have seen my wife and daughters run from spiders, shriek and squeal when threatened by spiders (usually because our son, Jason was wielding one like a weapon); I have seen them walk three blocks out of the way to avoid the last place they saw a spider.  My girls do not like spiders.  To tell you the truth, I’m not overly fond of them myself!
When we moved into the church parsonage in 1990 the carpeting was well past its prime.  The church folks graciously allowed us to pick out new floor coverings for the entire home.  My wife likes white...all white, so she picked white carpeting for 2400 square feet!  We lived in a snow palace!
Early one morning, shortly after moving into this winter wonderland I heard a piercing cry coming from the general direction of the back bedrooms.  Our daughter, Carrie, age 9, was pinned to the wall, cowering near her door; the expression on her face was as if Attila and the Huns were on the doorstep.  I looked left and right for the bad guys and saw nothing.  Then, looking back to Carrie, I saw her pointing to the hallway floor near where I was standing.  There, highlighted against the snow-white carpet, center-hallway was one of the biggest, blackest, hairiest spiders I'd ever seen.  I felt like David the shepherd boy facing Goliath the spider.  The creature was glaring at me with a menacing look that said:  I'm the new big cheese on the block; come on, big fella, let's see what'cha got. 
For an instant I couldn't decide whether to run or scream for Carrie to protect me!  Then I remembered, I was the protector!  I would have to deal with this dragon.  My "father-protects-his-kid-no-matter-the-cost" image was on the line.  No Goliath arachnid was going to steal my little girl's trust in me.  So I called for Elizabeth.  She brought a broom! 
I have never understood how (to women) brooms are better than an axe or baseball bat in times of crisis...but a broom was now my weapon!  I calculated the distance, allowed for the counter-attack this devilishly sneaky enemy was obviously planning, and swung a mighty swing, whacking the spider a mighty blow.
It turned out that Goliath, the mighty terrorist spider, was Goli-ette, the mommy-to-be spider-ess!  And it seems (I found out) that when you apply the mighty whack of a broom to a very pregnant spider, hundreds (perhaps billions) of tiny little baby spiders get launched everywhere! 
Our white carpet now had a hairy brown-black spot of spider innards, and two square yards of moving black dots.  It seemed like they were storming the walls; they were all over my broom weapon.  Carrie was now jumping up and down, certain that at least two or three hundred of the little monsters were crawling up her legs.
It took a long time to clean up both the hairy brown-black mush...and collect all the offspring, not to mention calming-down my offspring!  Eventually, with four cans of insect spray, cleaners and much resolve, we restored order and some semblance of dignity to the Baptist parsonage. 

Spider Lessons

In retrospect, I learned three valuable lessons about “spider encounters”.  One lesson was personal; the second was political and the third spiritual. 
·      The personal lesson is that my girls were never going to get along with spiders and snakes.  So, the next time I face one of these Godzillas I will ditch the broom in favor of a clear drinking glass to capture, and release...into the toilet! 
·      The political lesson was that the spider is a picture of terrorists.  Just when you think you've smashed the big problem, many little problems spring into action. 
·      And the third spiritual application of this little picture of loose spiders everywhere is the case of evil.  It may be a habit, one impure thought, or a lie or bit of juicy gossip – but so much trouble can spring from it! 
For You Today
A bit of advice from a spider war veteran:  we all need to recognize the real spiders that want to consume our faith and discipleship, and make certain we don’t become one! 
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.


[1] Title Image: Photo Courtesy of Julie Stickler

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