
Friday, August 31, 2018


Friday, August 31, 2018
The Psalmist poses a question most people don’t want to think over too closely before answering:  Who is welcome at your church?  Without checking what Scripture might have to say about the answer’s possibilities, the company line spills forth:  Everyone!  David may suggest otherwise here.  (In fact, it’s much more than a suggestion!)
Worship is for those who wish to acknowledge God as Creator, those who are willing to draw the harsh line between being self-willed as opposed to surrendering their will.  Worship itself is a matter of being discipled into the pattern of Jesus, Who, according to Paul, emptied himself and became like us, humbled to serve the Father’s will[2].  Jesus also declared that we must be willing to deny self-will, pick up our cross and (then) come along as He leads[3].  There is something very true here about not being able to have your cake (sins) and eat it too (come to worship as if nothing needs to change).
King David doesn’t seem shy about drawing that line in bold red.  He is willing to admit into the sanctuary those who are blameless truth-tellers, sincere in heart, refusing to gossip or harm others, or even speak evil of friends.  But, he narrows the opening of the church doors by refusing those who never speak up to call sin what it is, and honor Godly behavior.  He slams the church door in the face of rich people who use their wealth to oppress others.  Bad behavior and wrong attitude limit your access to God!
David would not be the evangelism director in just about any church today!
So, if you’ve had a bad attitude, lived in this sin or that, and generally not lived a faithful Christian lifestyle, does that mean your sins can not be forgiven?  Does it mean you are barred from the church club forever?  Does it mean you’re not welcome at my church?
Quite the contrary; the doors of the church rightly remain open as an invitation so that whosoever will may enter.  That’s how Jesus said it should be:
“Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.  But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.  Matthew 10:32-33(NLT)
Everyone DOES mean EVERYONE; but notice, just coming inside the church house will mean nothing if there’s not going to be any change when you leave the church house.  Worship is all about acknowledging Christ as Savior and Lord, and then backing it up by surrendering your plans – your life agenda – your self-will – and inviting Christ to change all of what you do, think, and are…your life is His from that moment on. 
A decision to follow Christ carries with it the responsibility to live the Christ life.  That’s when you can call Him LORD; He is the Lord over your will, and all you do!
For You Today
You are always welcome at church, but only if you’re serious about following and serving Christ; that’s different than the bylaws of any social club.
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.


[1] Title Image: Photo Courtesy of
[2] Philippians 2:8
[3] Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23

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