
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Overcome Evil with Good Series #1. Give Like You're Poor

Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.  Romans 12:21(NLT)


And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable.  This is truly the way to worship him.  Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.  Romans 12:1-2(NLT)

During the “gold rush” in California’s early history, miners hoping to discover the “mother-lode” would mark off a section of wilderness with stakes and signs.  It was called a claim.  The claim would be recorded at the land office, and all the rights of the property then belonged to the one who had staked the claim.  The hope was that there would be gold in “them thar hills” and the riches within the claimed property would bring forth a life of riches for the owner.
Think with me about this idea of prior claim.  It is a legal concept – the first one to stake a claim owns the property.  Then consider this sentence:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  Genesis 1:1(NLT)

Now, the meaning should be quite clear about Who has “prior claim” over everything in the universe.  God’s claim is that undeniable first and prior claim.  Man’s problem, since the Garden of Eden, has always been the struggle between accepting God’s “staked-out prior claim” and wanting to be a “claim-jumper”!
Self-promoting is the essence of jumping God’s claim on you.  A woman lived in a big city neighborhood that was going downhill very fast.  The area was becoming increasingly overcrowded, noisy, and dirty.  It was a bad situation.  The woman decided something would have to be done about it. 
She knew that money would be required to change the situation.  Consequently, she started a fund-raising drive.  She called people.  She sent letters.  She got some financial support from a private foundation.  She finally raised eighty-five thousand dollars and then she used the money to move to another neighborhood.[2]  
To give like you’re poor has nothing to do with money; it has everything to do with the fact that the poor (in spirit) only have themselves to give.  They understand having nothing; they understand Who has everything.  The opposite of “claim-jumping” is respecting God’s claim on this universe, including its inhabitants! 
I imagine it is only fair to issue the disclaimer first here.  If you agree with God owning it all (including you), that implies integrity to what follows, in that when you say it, that means you’re then going to do it.  The disclaimer here is that I want you to know Kingdom-life is not easy; Kingdom-life is hard! 
If what Paul says here about how to give yourself to God is true, it becomes the standard by which we conduct our lives and will change most things about most of us.  But if we will do this, we will find that giving like a poor person is what pleases the Father most, which is also the best for us, our families, and our communities. 
In our text this morning there are three phrases which call us to honor God.  The sum of these three “callings” adds-up to our lives.  They are what define the lives we lead as Kingdom people:

Phrase #1.  …present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice

To Do that means You are Promising to Honor God with Your Body
There is a lot of body talk these days.  Magazines promote making this part smaller or that part larger.  Do the diet, exercise or pills, but don’t just sit there and couch potato – get with the program!  It’s all in the name of buffing-up, slimming down and showing off! 
And, if it all seems too difficult, you can always go on “Extreme Makeover” or become the next “America’s Swan”.  They will bring in a team of experts…surgeons, dieticians, hair and skin consultants, and an ego coach.  In no time at all you go from poor ugly you to glamour-puss 2018! 
We have a whole culture willing to cut, pierce and punish their bodies, just to be beautiful and different.  Funny, how you’ve got to be doing the same as everybody else to be different.
That is so different than what God says is important.  The world says your body and your appearance is the most important thing; Paul says presenting that body as a holy sacrifice to God is the real deal.  That’s how poor people give.
Now, it’s obvious that God’s ways and 21st-century worldly culture are in serious conflict here.  So, what does it mean?  To “present” something is to give it over to someone else’s ownership or care.  God created us; there is no one better equipped to take care of us than He.
Now, many people today would agree with that (with their lips), but instead of honoring God by submitting to His authority, we want to make our own decisions despite His prior claim.  The person who lives like that isn’t serious about sacrificing self-will to the authority of God. 
Authority is easy to figure out when you’re little.  I always knew when Mom or Dad was asking me something, or suggesting I do something…they only used my first name.  When it came down to being called, RUSSELL JAY BROWNWORTH, I knew the suggestions were over…authority was not in question!
But, what does it mean to present your body as a living and holy sacrifice?  Essentially a sacrifice is offered – you give up what you want and do what the other person wants. 
A living sacrifice is daily choosing to give up your own will.
What makes the living sacrifice holy is that you do those things that will honor God.  You submit to His authority.  Jesus did that in the Garden of Gethsemane; He prayed, Not my will, Father…yours!
Presenting my body as a living sacrifice has to do with commitment to living God’s way in His will.  Commitments are hard to come-by these days.  Many people will make a decision – you always saw that at the Billy Graham crusades.  People walk the aisle and make a decision for Christ. 
It’s almost like pulling the lever in the voting booth…crunch…and you have voted; you decided.  But a monkey can also pull a lever. 
The question is not one of decision, although decision is a necessary thing.  The question is more of commitment.  Commitment is the hard work that follows decision.  I can make a decision to replace our ailing car.  Making the payment every month afterward is the commitment part.
How is your commitment level? 
·      Are you giving God the respect He is due with your body? 
·      Is that body conditioned to pray, give, worship, and witness? 
·      Are you keeping that body pure from unwholesome influences?

For God bought you with a high price.  So you must honor God with your body.              1 Corinthians 6:20(NLT)

Phrase #2.  …do not be conformed to this world

To Do that means You are Promising to Honor God in Your Relationships
We each will have many relationships throughout life; we start in the womb.  Mothers know that relationship can be strained from the first bout with nausea!  By the time a child is born he is already in debt to his parents for nine months of room and board…and he comes into the world complaining about it!
Relationships build throughout our lives with family and friends, classmates and careers.  The idea of Kingdom living is that in the midst of all relationships we seek to be consistent in maintaining a life and a heart that honors God with all we do. 
·      In the context of church, we honor God by consistently worshipping, working and witnessing…all the while respecting each other. 
·      In the context of home, we honor God by considering the members of our family and doing our very best to support and love.
·      In the context of school, work or acquaintances we remain children of God, and act like it, no matter who is present, or who is not.
·      In every context we are fiercely committed to honoring God, no matter what turns relationships may take.  Even if our friends desert us, cut and run, we remain true to God.  Even if our friends tempt us to turn from God, we stay true.
One of the Star Trek spin-off shows had a character called Shape Shifter.  This being, who was neither male nor female took whatever appearance best-suited the circumstances.  That is so like our culture; just do whatever seems best to fit the circumstances.  But God says:  Don’t do that!  Stand firmhave an identitybe the same all the time.”
In short, we do not allow this world – the culture of post-modern 21st-century secularism, post-church heathen godlessness to control and squeeze us into its mold. Rather we stay true to what God has said about the way we should live and conduct our relationships.  That is what the Bible tells us:

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.  Deuteronomy 6:5(NLT)

Tom Eliff is a Southern Baptist pastor and denominational leader.  He shared in a Baptist publication about a man who didn’t have a clue about honoring God with his relationship to his spouse:
Some years ago, I sat listening as a man, caught in immorality and unfaithfulness, spilled out what was obviously a carefully crafted confession.  There was no remorse, no tears, and no real desire to be reconciled with his wife.  It was obvious that he had made some critical choices and did not intend to turn back.  Visiting with the pastor was just the final stage in accommodating his wife's desperate attempt to put their marriage back together.  It was his final words that got me somewhere deep inside and provoked a visceral reaction which shocked us both.
"I know what you're thinking, preacher," he said with a slight nervous grin.  You're thinking I'm probably not a Christian and that I don't love the Lord.  But you see, I really do love the Lord with all my heart."
"No, you don't love the Lord with all your heart," I replied tersely and in a tone so loud it had surprised us both.  Time will tell if you're a Christian because if you are, God will treat you like one of His kids who is deserving of discipline.  But one thing is certain, you don't love the Lord."
"You see," I continued, "if you love the Lord, you do what He says.  But what you are saying is that you do not intend to do what He says.  You are bent on leaving your wife and family and living in an immoral relationship.  Say what you will, but you do not love the Lord."[3]
Loving the Lord with all your strength, everything that you’ve got, is not about grabbing for what feels good, or what will fulfill you.  Loving the Lord with all you’ve got sometimes means sticking it out through the tough times.

Phrase #3.  …be transformed by the renewing of your mind

The Result of saying “I will” to Kingdom Living is a Strengthened Life
Minds are always crowded and besieged by what’s going on in our lives.  Many people today are more upset about what’s going on in their lives than they are content with what God has placed before them. 
God says he wants us to have an undivided mind…a contentedness that more money can’t buy, a new job can’t provide, and a better body won’t win.
Even in the church we see it clearly…folks struggling to get more so they will be happier.  People change their appearance with hair dye, and plastic surgery; they change their clothes and cars with the newest fashion or fad; they change their spouses with regularity, and their church membership because the last preacher or Sunday School class didn’t meet all their needs…all the while failing to see that a renewal of mind was their entire need.
Renewal of the mind, and the subsequent transformation of life, is the result of giving up on this world’s system and allowing God’s way to be your way. 
It is a decision that’s made; then a commitment that follows; then a transformation which happens.
This transformation begins and continues in the heart and renews your mind. 

And all of us…. are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another…   2 Corinthians 3:18(NRSVA)

Our hearts – that’s a place where others cannot see, only God knows what’s happening in your heart and mine.  But the results of that transformation will be seen!  And in the opposing sense…no transformation is also easily seen.
Metamorphosis is a transformation; it is what happens in a cocoon.  Cradled in a nest the nature of a caterpillar begins to change.  Finally, it breaks out, looking very little like it did before.  What was once an ugly little squirming worm is transformed into the very essence of delightful beauty!  It was once conformed to the slinking image of a dust-eater; now it soars with color and majesty – some are even called Monarch!
In a human being, follower of Jesus Christ, our cocoon is grace.  Surrendering control of our lives to God’s grace, entering the cocoon, allows God’s transforming power to change us.  We emerge with wings to escape temptation and live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.  We can live a life of purpose and dignity, leaving the dust-eating worm-life behind.  This happens when we resist this World’s Culture and rest our whole being in the cocoon of Christ’s grace.
Just like a caterpillar must crawl up on the branch of some tree to attach itself, a Christian believer must attach himself to the branch of Jesus’ cross.  It is one act of surrender; a lifetime of service. 
I knew a man once who decided to accept Christ when he was a little boy.  That decision was not followed by commitment to live honoring God’s authority.  His life was marked by insecurity, inability to make good decisions, and in a real sense, inconsequence as a member of society.
Then there was a time when he became a young man; there was renewal, and a calling to commit.  The young man did so, committing his life to living as a Kingdom Child. 
Ever since that time of commitment, the Lord has been renewing, transforming, and changing that young man, who is now older – much older. 
Slowly, through the years of successes and failures, Christ was always building on the inside to take care of what’s happening on the outside.
The man isn’t perfect today, but when he looks back over what the Lord has done these past 43 years, he sees that giving like he was poor (giving himself) was the key to letting God’s Spirit renew and transform his soul; that he is God’s, and God is his. 
There is providence, joy and all good gifts in his life…even the difficulties are opportunities, every ache and pain, success and rejection…all of it marks of the love of God, and the assurance of heaven’s welcome at the end of the journey.
It’s a great way to live, honoring God’s Authority. 
It’s the Kingdom Family way to live.  There’s no better way to live.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Let the church say “Amen”!


[1] Title Image: Courtesy of
[2] James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988), p. 450.
[3] Tom Eliff, Honoring God's Authority, Principle #1 of Building a Kingdom Family,

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