
Friday, January 25, 2019

Things That Make Perfect Sense

Friday, January 25, 2019

The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul.  The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.  Psalm 19:7(NLT)

Some days, more than others, I need to be made wise, revived, and awake!  Maybe the Psalmist understood this because he also had a toaster in the refrigerator.
Elizabeth and I are getting to that age…well, rather we are firmly entrenched in that age…where mundane tasks can turn out anything but mundane.  I couldn’t NOT take a picture of my toaster in the fridge.  I’m the breakfast guy around this house…cook it, serve it, and clean up after it’s over.  One morning last week I was in a hurry to do the cleanup, and in all the dishwashing, trash-emptying, counter-cleaning, and putting-awaying, I grabbed the toaster and the butter dish.  The butter went in the pantry cabinet and the toaster…well…you can see.
I’m not the only one!  Elizabeth was making the bed one morning several weeks ago.  It was one of those mornings she was changing the sheets.  Out with the old, slept-on for three nights, and in with the clean and fresh that’s so inviting at the end of a day.  Our bed has a big foot board, so making the bed is no small task for one person.  You have to make many trips around the bed, pulling, tucking, and straightening sheets and covers.  One bedding change equals four walking trips to Raleigh and back.  As my bride was finishing-up this monumental chore, just smoothing-out the last few wrinkles on the quilt and precisely adjusting the 62 pillows to complete the perfect bedroom effect, Elizabeth’s eyes saw the one thing out of place on the chair over in the corner – somehow the sheet, the one that should have been underneath all those sheets, blankets, quilt and 62 pillows, was not on the bed; it was neatly folded on my chair, grinning at her from the corner of the room like a toaster peeking out from a refrigerator!  Some days it hardly seems wise to get out of bed; you’d just have to make the thing anyway.
For You Today
For human beings there are times, days, even months, and perhaps years like that (I’ll let you know if our toaster and bed misbehave more frequently than usual). 
Nobody is exempt from the wandering mind syndrome; we all occasionally (or even regularly) do the absent-minded things that can end up with the phrase:  what was I thinking? 
If that’s been your lot lately, learn to smile, and thank God it wasn’t an alligator you stuffed in the fridge, or the peanut butter you spread on your bedsheets. 
It could be worse!
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.


[1] Title Image:  Russell Brownworth, own image

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