
Friday, February 15, 2019

Temporary Residents

Friday, February 15, 2019

And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do.  So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time here as “temporary residents.” 1 Peter 1:17(NLT)

I imagine most people prefer things that last, rather than something that falls apart quickly.  Last year we increased the size of our tiny deck.  I watched as the crew dug holes for a corner support beam.  That piece of treated lumber is massively-heavy and should still be there many years after I’m not.  The deck has a firm, solid feel to it, and that is a comforting reassurance whenever the weather is nice, and we chill on the deck for a little bit.
Our human nature craves the stability of permanence.  Little children crave the comfort of seeing Mom or Dad close by.  We kick the tires on a car we’re checking out to buy to find out if they’re sound.  We give diamond rings to signify the life-long commitment we’re making in marriage.  We want the lasting thing.
Because human nature craves lasting and permanent, there is a part of us that has a very difficult time wrapping our minds around the temporary nature of life in this skin.  The young among us live with a certain invincibility spirit, as if they’re indestructible.  They take risks that make Mom and Dad gray; they hardly entertain a clue as to the fragile relationship we humans have with breathing.
So, when the Apostle Peter uses the word temporary in relation to the time we have here, there is an immediate and almost involuntary response that screams:  Hey…I didn’t vote for just passing through; why doesn’t it last?  And therein we find the crux of our problem:  we don’t get to vote!  Life is in God’s hands; He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Final Authority over it all.  We don’t get to vote!
Now, having said that, I immediately must retract it, at least on the most important level – we actually DO get to vote.  With the incredible gift of free will (and its’ awesome responsibility) we do get to choose the location of our eternity.  Peter states in this same passage (a few verses later) that those who come to Christ for new life are being born again to a life that will last forever.  This life is from Christ, Who is the Word of God, living, and the source of life.

For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.  1 Peter 1:23(NLT)

I’ve had more than 70 years of life in this skin.  There have been some tough times, but on the whole life is good.  I grew up in a wonderful family where I was loved and shown the love of God.  My bride of 52 years is a continuing source of joy, as is the relationship with my children, their spouses and our grands, and great-grandchildren.  I’ve had the privilege of serving as a pastor, and the blessing of good health all the way through. 
But, all that said, I would not look forward to living forever in this body!  When I trusted Christ it was the beginning of so much good stuff I’ve been privileged to experience in this body.  However, Scripture tells me this is all temporary, and I should look forward to what’s coming.  Why would I want to hang around this lower world forever, when Christ has been busy creating a forever blessing I can’t even imagine?
For now, we all must live in this temporary world and the skin with which we were born.  Peter didn’t leave-out how to do that…he said we should live as temporary residents with reverent fear, which is an awe-filled spirit of worship, living in gratitude for the blessing of life itself, not clinging-to this world which is passing away, but looking for the coming life with Him…joy unspeakable, and full of glory! 
For You Today
Be a temporary resident today; let go of something that’s passing anyway.  Grab on to a bit of Heaven by giving the gift of help, joy and peace to someone you meet.  That’s the kind of trail to leave as you temporarily pass through this world.
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.


[i] Title Image:  via

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