
Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Time Has Come

Monday, April 1, 2019

Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd or the roar of mighty ocean waves or the crash of loud thunder:  “Praise the Lord!  For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.  Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him.  For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself.  She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.”  For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God’s holy people.  Revelation 19:6-8

I’ve officiated at enough weddings in the past 40 years to know the pecking order of things when that special day of the ceremony arrives.  During one rehearsal a groom kept asking questions of the pastor about where he should stand, and if he should keep his hands folded this way or that.  When the 3-year-old flower girl had a melt-down everyone took a break.  The pastor took the groom aside and told him:  Listen, just stand in that one spot and look at the bride with everyone else…it doesn’t matter how you hold your hands, bud; nobody’s going to be looking at you.  Considering the norm, a groom will wear a $75 rented tux, while the bride’s gown makes the national debt look like an austerity program.  
When Elizabeth and I got married we saved the tux rental too because I had my Army uniform to wear.  One of the groomsmen told me it was appropriate; that uniform with the private’s stripe shouted that I was a guy who knew how to take orders!
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be like none other.  According to this end time prediction the bride will be beautifully dressed in the most elegant way, adorned with the sacrificial works of the church in caring for people throughout the ages.  But the groom, the spotless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, the One Who died for this bride, will be the center of all creation and beyond. 
All that exists will be turned towards the groom on that day.  And that means every believer, every man, woman, and child who has trusted in Christ will be in attendance, and all attention will be on Messiah; no one will have eyes for anyone but Jesus.
The Apostle John, writing down this Revelation vision about that day as Jesus spoke it to him, recorded that the bride had prepared herself.  That preparation is the sum of all the good that has been done by believers in the name of Jesus over the last two millennia.  I believe it also includes those pre-cross saints, such as Abraham, Abel, the prophets, King David, Samson, and everyone who trusted in God’s promise of a Savior.  Every kindness ever done in the name of our Lord is remembered in Heaven (whether or not it is recorded on earth) and will be rewarded on that day.
When I was much younger that day of Jesus’ return, and the marriage supper of the Lamb seemed so much more removed from reality than today.  Perhaps, owing to the naïve nature of the 1950’s sans Internet and lightning-fast news reporting, as well as my own preoccupation with growing up, playing sports, and generally surviving the threat of polio and measles.  My mind just didn’t have time for thinking about all the wonders of the world coming to an end before I’d even had a chance to explore some of it.  
Fast-forward to the dawn of the 3rd decade of a new millennium, I can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet!  Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, floods, famine, atmosphere collapsing…Jesus’ Mt Olivet sermon[iii] warnings of end times approaching read like the gloom and doom of the daily news reports.  Perhaps it’s just my age, or a different stage of preoccupation with Scripture’s forecast, but the question occupying my mind mostly these days is how much longer can it be?
For You Today
It isn’t for any of us to know the exact time, or exactly what it will be like when Jesus Christ returns to set everything right which has been wrong.  But we have the larger picture – it is going to be the best…better than any human imagination can conceive.  The time…when it comes…will be so grand, no believer will ever look back on this life wishing for the good ol’ times; as the poet said, the best is yet to be!
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day.
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[i] Title Image:
[ii] Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from The New Living Translation©
[iii] Matthew 24-25

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