
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Lies That Kill - Series #1. False Teachers; Don't Believe Them

This letter is from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, appointed by the command of God our Savior and Christ Jesus, who gives us hope.  I am writing to Timothy, my true son in the faith.  May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace.  When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth.  Don’t let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees.  These things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don’t help people live a life of faith in God.  The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.  But some people have missed this whole point.  They have turned away from these things and spend their time in meaningless discussions.  They want to be known as teachers of the law of Moses, but they don’t know what they are talking about, even though they speak so confidently.  We know that the law is good when used correctly.  For the law was not intended for people who do what is right.  It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who kill their father or mother or commit other murders.  The law is for people who are sexually immoral, or who practice homosexuality, or are slave traders, liars, promise breakers, or who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome teaching  that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God.
1 Timothy 1:1-11
A 2nd grader explained what false doctrine is...he said: false docter-in is what happens when sick people get the wrong medicine!  That's pretty close to the result of false doctrine.  When people are wrongly taught in spiritual matters they get morally sick.  The best medicine is to study God’s Word; right doctrine is like an immunization or cure against disease.
The epistles of Paul are full of great spiritual medicine to help us.  In Paul's day there were plenty of false teachers to go around. The Gnostics were steeped in false belief, just a hair removed from truth.  They believed in God, and even Jesus, but saw God as so far removed from man that there could never be a relationship.  And since God wouldn't touch or create anything bad (like material things, or humans), the creation happened when an emanation, slightly lesser in deity, went out from God.  From that emanation, another, lesser emanation flowed – and another – until the deity of God was far enough removed to dabble in things of the evil flesh. 
According to gnostic thinking, Jesus was one of those lesser emanations; he was better and more holy than the average bear, but a lot less than God.  Since they considered our fleshly bodies evil, they also dismissed resurrection of the physical body.  Paul knew such teachers were always on the prowl for converts:  
I know that false teachers, like vicious wolves, will come in among you after I leave, not sparing the flock.  Even some men from your own group will rise up and distort the truth in order to draw a following. Acts 20:29-30  
In our day we have Mormonism, which is a rebirth of the error of gnosticism; they do not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. 
We also have the New Age teachers who would rather study the emanations than accept the revealed Word of God.
Among the worst of false teachers are those who teach the prosperity gospel, diverting our attention from the riches of faith, which God said was much more important than worrying about material things or wealth.[2] 
False teachers abound, so we need what truth brings.

Truth brings encouragement 

Paul left Timothy in Ephesus as a pastor, so Paul could continue on to Philippi to check on the church there.  This first letter to Timothy is filled with encouraging, strengthening help.  Paul called Timothy his true son in the ministry.  I don't know what could be more encouraging for a timid young pastor than to have the affirmation of the seasoned elder statesman of the faith.
God's people need to know how to live like God's people.  That means knowing how to recognize and deal with false teaching.  The question becomes, How can I be safe from false teachers?  The answer centers around what Paul revealed to Timothy as the reason he was writing:
The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.  1 Timothy 1:5
Simply stated, the "bullseye" of Christianity is love.  The things which help keep a believer on track, and safe from every twit who has a new way of freeing your spirit or being at one with the cosmic presence, are the trinity of pure heart, good conscience and sincere faith.  From these, genuine Christian love sprouts like a redwood.  The best way to avoid a counterfeit anything is to constantly handle the real thing. 
Notice the rings of the bullseye Paul laid-out for Timothy...

The Bullseye's Outer Ring:  A Pure Heart
The (spiritual) heart is the center of your will, emotions and mind.  This is where all of your decisions are made. 
Our physical heart makes biological life possible.  The spiritual heart makes a relationship with God possible.
What makes a heart pure? 
The only way for a heart to be clean is for God to clean it.  Isaiah said that all of our attmepts to clean up our own spiritual lives are like "filthy rags"  
The special promise of God is that we can come to Him through Jesus' unique act of salvation.  Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and, if we confess our sins he forgive us our sins and purifies us from all unrighteousness.(1 John 1:9) 
The Bullseye's Middle Ring:  A Good Conscience
Conscience is a moral barometer; it tells us whether we are doing right or wrong.  Responding to that Biblically is what we call integrity, or doing what you say you'll do.  It is also called a pure heart, or a heart of integrity.
Today even integrity is a relative matter.  Politicians, (even Presidents) are judged on their ability to govern and integrity seems to have nothing to do with the job.  Preachers discovered in extra-marital affairs go right on with their programs.  This is so different than what the Bible calls for in believers. 
A good conscience is available to those whose walk lives up to their talk.  Emerson said of Seneca the philosopher, He (says) the loveliest things, if only he had the right to say them."[3]
A pure heart is the only place to start in the Christian life...But it is only a start!  Any conversion experience that still leaves you living a sinful life, without a deep desire to change, like a drowning man wants a boat, is not a conversion at all.  Love grows in a pure heart, where right actions allow good conscience.
The Bullseye's Center:  Sincere Faith
Faith is most often thought as being that quality of believing.  We say, we have faith in Jesus.  That is a verbal sense of the word faith.  But here Paul uses faith as a noun.  It is the object of belief, or what you believe.  Simply put, a sincere faith is something worth believing in! 
In Paul's context of opposing the false teachers, he was holding up THE FAITH, his doctrine of Christ.  He was saying that there is a time to be saved (pure heart) and a Godly way to live life (good conscience), and a sincere, or genuine doctrine to guide them both.  We move from the outer edge of the target to the middle!
Paul gave this concept to the Hebrews as well:  
Facing the truth we have to admit that just because a person is saved does not guarantee he is immediately wise.  Many come to Christ with very little knowledge of the doctrines of the faith.  Unfortunately, too many believers never make a serious effort to move past the basics of the faith.  It’s not a matter of getting degrees in seminary or a certificate to hang on the wall.  Getting a deeper understanding of Christ, and how He expects us to live is a matter of obedience and coming to the point of being a strong witness to honor Christ.
Once past that point of salvation we have a responsibility to understand our faith. 
There are two primary reasons for growing deeper in understanding faith in Christ:
Freedom for me 
So many believers live defeated lives because they have so little knowledge of the liberating reality of Christ. 
Paul says many have missed this whole point which means missing the mark, which is one of the textbook definitions of the word sin.  Christ came that you might have liberty, an abundant life of joy and peace. 
When I begin to understand the doctrines of salvation and the joy of my inheritance in Christ, I am set free from worry and defeat…not just to feel the winds of freedom blowing in my hair as I do whatever I want…but to experience just how wonderful the relationship to Christ becomes when I know how to please and honor my Lord, and act like it too!
Freedom for you. 
Paul also says that those who missed the mark had turned to meaningless talk; that implies an empty result.  Whenever the subject of spiritual things comes up, folks who don't know any better want to debate empty issues that end in fruitless controversy. 
That has kept more people out of the kingdom than all the bars and brothels in the world. 
There is a right and wrong purpose of doctrine.  To discuss interesting, but surface issues of Christianity, while countless thousands in our own neighborhood perish without Jesus is wrong!  To allow years of learning the faith to perfect our witness so we may lead souls to the throne is right! 
Some things are just not debatable.
So, let’s review the progression of a babe in Christ to a strong disciple: 
·       A person on the outer ring of the bullseye receives a pure heart from God when he confesses his sins;
·       a person hitting the next closest ring to the bullseye is living his life in a holy manner, obedient, a person of good conscience;
·       but the one who takes the time to know Christ in an ever increasingly intimate way -- His fellowship, His doctrines, His power, His suffering...that is a person who has HIT the center of the bullseye!
Beloved, none of us can afford to be ignorant of the faith.  People are more informed than ever, and have a myriad of choices concerning religion.  If we are to remain strong as a witness for Christ, leading people out of darkness, we will have to go…
·       past the elementary doctrine of salvation, and
·       past the simple honest life of good conscience;
·       we must go on to maturity in the faith. 
The bullseye in Christian discipleship is to be a strong believer, grounded in Christ and His word.  All the rest is passing away.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…Amen!


[1] Title Image:    All Scripture from The New Living Translation (unless otherwise stated) 
[2] See Matthew 6:19-33
[3]Barclay, William, The Daily Study Bible, (Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1975), 34


  1. Pastor Brownworth,
    We are continually thankful for God's word and help received from Rocky Road devotions. Unknown to you, it has a far reaching tremendous rippling effect that is immeasurable! We are praying for you and Elizabeth as you endeavor to serve our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ!
    Maria and Michael Deaton

  2. Thank you, Maria & Michael, for your very kind words. God's Word is our guiding star. And we appreciate your prayers.
