
Sunday, January 5, 2020

I Know the Plans I Have for You

Did I ever tell you about the young Zode,
Who came to two signs at the fork in the road?
One said to Place One, and the other, Place Two.
So the Zode had to make up his mind what to do.
Well…the Zode scratched his head, and his chin and his pants.
And he said to himself, “I’ll be taking a chance
If I go to Place One. Now, that place may be hot!
And so, how do I know if I’ll like it or not?
On the other hand though, I’ll be sort of a fool
If I go to Place Two and find it too cool.
In that case I may catch a chill and turn blue!
So, maybe Place One is the best, not Place Two,
But then again, what if Place One is too high?
I may catch a terrible earache and die!
So Place Two may be best!  On the other hand though…
What might happen to me if Place Two is too low?
I might get some very strange pain in my toe!
So Place One may be best,” and he started to go.
Then he stopped, and he said,
“On the other hand though….
On the other hand…other hand…other hand though…”
And for 36 hours and a half that poor Zode
Made starts and made stops at the fork in the road.
Saying, “Don’t take a chance. No! You may not be right.”
Then he got an idea that was wonderfully bright!
“Play safe!” cried the Zode.  “I’ll play safe. I’m no dunce!
I’ll simply start out for both places at once!”
And that’s how the Zode who would not take a chance
Got no place at all with a split in his pants.

This morning we are focusing on our mission to reach the community around us.  God had definite plans for his church to be successful; Jeremiah said God said, quite specifically, that his plans for us are good:

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  Jeremiah 29:11

In addition, the Great Commission Jesus gave to all disciples gets a little more specific about the where, how, and why of our mission, and where we get the resources and power to carry out the mission:

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this:  I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:19-20

In many places throughout Scripture we are told to feed, clothe, and heal those who are the victims of hunger, homelessness, sickness, abuse, and all the ills life can throw at us.  This too is part of our mission. 
The following statement could summarize the road we are supposed to be travelling:
Mt Zion United Methodist Church, as disciples of Jesus Christ, exists to provide worship and Christian education, responding in loving action to a needy world! 
I have to say that my attempt at writing a mission statement is my attempt, not a mandate for this community of faith.  But there are 3 very compelling, simple facts here that we must admit.
     1.     Christ calls us to mission
     2.     A church that doesn’t focus on that mission is saying “no” to God.
     3.     We don’t want to be that church!
And, so the sermon this morning is just one sentence:
Let’s not be that church; let’s be the church that lives-out our mission commitment!

And toward that end I invite you to join in reaffirming our baptismal vows as people who want to follow Jesus, make disciples, and transform the world.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…Amen!

Go to Worship VIDEO

[1] Title Image:  Katelynn Brownworth      All Scripture from The New Living Translation (unless otherwise stated) 

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