
Friday, July 17, 2020

Heart Worship

Friday, July 17, 2020

Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth!  Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.  With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God.  I will give glory to your name forever, for your love for me is very great.  You have rescued me from the depths of death.

With the exception of miracles, the physical laws God set in place as He created the universe…are indisputable; that is, the rules of how stuff acts cannot be altered.  One of those laws was articulated by Sir Isaac Newton this way:
For every action there is an opposite, and equal reaction.[1]
According to the Psalmist, the idea of heart worship is similar to that; true worship is the extreme response of the heart, mind, and soul to love God, and live in such a manner as to please Him. 
The one fly in the ointment, in saying that our worship of God is an equal and opposite reaction, is the “equal” part.  There is no worship any human can offer that is equal to how God loves us.  God is without peer.  In the same way a watch is not equal to the watchmaker, nor a house greater than its’ builder, no created being is greater, or even somewhat equal, to the Creator.  God is God…and we are not.
And, so, what worship pleases God?  How is it that we give to God worship that is acceptable?  In the New Testament Jesus affirmed to the Pharisees, the answer to that question, found in the words of Deuteronomy 6:5.

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’  Matthew 22:37

Now, with Scripture, there are no words which are insignificant, or without the full force of what God meant.  Both Old and New Testaments affirm that, when it comes to the worship that comes from our heart, soul, mind, and anything else we might have available, the key word is ALL
“Proper” worship of God means you offer it with everything you’ve got, strength, words, resources; even the breath in your lungs at this moment, and if God gives you another.  What’s the cost for worship?  Well…what have you got?
Hold on, preacher…you just want me to write a bigger check for the offering.  Well, if you can, then you’ve got a decision; if the smaller check means you’ve worshipped with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength, well, then…NO. 
Hold on, preacher…you just want me to give up my vacation to go on some mission trip to help build a school for some third world kids.  Well, if that week at the gambling tables in Las Vegas occupies a bigger place in your mind, heart, and soul, as opposed to the kids that would attend that school…well, then…NO…have a nice trip.
See?  It isn’t something a preacher, your wife or husband, or some wise man on top of a mountain can answer for you.  It’s all about your heart, your mind, your soul, and the strength God has put in your hands.  Because worship isn’t about what the preacher says in his sermon, or the music coming from the piano and choir.  It isn’t even about perfect attendance ribbons, or positions held, or whether your giving is 5% or 75%...worship is all about your heart, and whether God has full access to every last bit of what you consider yours, finances, strength, time, relationships, habits, and willingness to go where He sends, do what He wants, and readiness to drop everything else when He calls.
That is heart worship.  And it is pleasing to God.
Let’s Pray Together:

Father, so often we refer to MY time, or MY car, or MY family, or My bank account, or so much of what we deem our possessions and entitlements.  We are so much like children who ‘own’ stuff their parents have provided…we think we have earned, and, are therefore entitled.  Teach us to know how that turns worship away from Heaven, and towards us; teach us how that means we’re making ourselves God, and how it makes our lives barren of worship and unoccupied by Your presence.  Lord, in Your mercy…

For You Today
Sir Isaac Newton was an inventor, as well as a mathematician.  One of his valuable discoveries was the reflecting telescope, a system of mirrors that reflects light to project an image.  Let’s let today’s thoughts be trained on our hearts, like that telescope, to see what kind of “worship” is really going on in there.
You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road today.  Have a blessed day!
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Title Image:  Unless noted, Scripture quoted from The New Living Translation©
For another post on this text:  Reaction Time

[1] Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law

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