
Monday, August 2, 2021

The Book


A Greek proverb says There stands an angel by every man as soon as he is born to guide him through the mystery of life.  George Washington Carver learned to deal with the mystery of God and life.  When he was young, he asked, God, tell me the mystery of the universe.  He sensed that God said back to him, George, that information is reserved for Me alone.  Said George, then reveal to me the mystery of the peanut.  And God said, Well, George, that's more nearly your size!

What is this mystery of the universe that God reserves for Himself? 

But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit.  For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.  1 Corinthians 2:10

The deep things of God are his domain.  Somewhat like the answer Mr. Carver got about knowing the mysteries of the universe, they are too deep for us.  However, in Revelation 5, John describes a scene that is like a committee meeting in heaven.  The committee of angels and onlookers are gathered 'round the throne of God.  The Lord is holding up a book and poses a question to the house:


The natural question for an observer would be:  What book?  Today we are going to investigate that mysterious book held in the hand of God.

It’s a HIDDEN Book  

Revelation 5:1-4

Then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who was sitting on the throne.  There was writing on the inside and the outside of the scroll, and it was sealed with seven seals.  And I saw a strong angel, who shouted with a loud voice: “Who is worthy to break the seals on this scroll and open it?”  But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll and read it.  Then I began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll and read it. 

The mystery is sealed in a book -- held in the right hand of God.  The book in question is obviously about life, humankind, and God's purposes.  John wept bitterly because (seemingly) no one in heaven or earth, past or present, had the authority to view the book's contents.  Without that answer, life loses meaning.  Without a clear view of the meaning of life or man's purpose, life is not worth living. 

Sigmund Freud, in his human (so-called) wisdom, concluded that anyone who searches for the meaning of life is mentally unbalanced because there is no meaning to life.  Ernest Hemmingway accepted that and eventually blew his brains out with a shotgun.  Without meaning there is no purpose to life, and who can live with that? 

By comparison, Scripture informs us (without stuttering) that life has both meaning and purpose, and both are wrapped-up in Jesus Christ. 

This book is hidden, or sealed, indicating that God will reserve certain truths to Himself.  It is like the summer camp counselor who had all his 7-year-olds gathered around for a nature lesson.  At one point, a bright boy asked, Brother Bob, how come God made poison ivy?  Brother Bob was stuck for an answer until another youngster bailed him out.  I guess, started the explanation, He wanted us to know there are just some things we're supposed to keep our cotton-pickin' hands off! 

The book in God’s hands is hidden from human wisdom.  Who, then, is it that is worthy to open the book?  That brings us to  a second implication for this Hidden Book:

It’s HIS Book   

Revelation 5:5-7

But one of the twenty-four elders said to me, “Stop weeping! Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David’s throne, has won the victory. He is worthy to open the scroll and its seven seals.”  Then I saw a Lamb that looked as if it had been slaughtered, but it was now standing between the throne and the four living beings and among the twenty-four elders.  He had seven horns and seven eyes, which represent the sevenfold Spirit of God that is sent out into every part of the earth.  He stepped forward and took the scroll from the right hand of the one sitting on the throne. 

John's grief abruptly ends when one of the 24 elders steps forward to  shift the focus to the power and person of Jesus, the Lamb of God.  Jesus is the Lion of Judah, the kingly line of David.  His power prevailed at Calvary.  Death and the grave could not hold the slain lamb.  Horns and eyes stand for strength and all-encompassing authority and knowledge.  The seven Spirits of God indicates perfection or fullness in God's will. 

He was a lamb at the first coming, a willing offering to pay the price for our sins.  He allowed himself to be stripped naked, and nailed spread-eagle to a cross at the town garbage dump.  He prevailed in that.  Satan couldn't keep Him in the tomb. 

A further truth is for the future; Jesus will NOT be a lamb the next time.  It is HIS book, and it contains what He wills.  The next time He will be the lion!  He is coming for his church, His bride.  And He will not be happy with a world that has continually thumbed its nose at his church! 

The next time he brings no mild-mannered “gentle shepherd" smile; the next time it is the Man of Steel!  The next time He brings a sword and a victory!

God’s book is a hidden book, it’s His book, and...a third implication,

It’s a HOPE Book   

Revelation 5:8

And when he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb.  Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.  

It is so comforting to know that the prayers I have sent heaven-ward are still there!  In some way (which none of us understands) the prayers of all the saints of all time are preserved for God's pleasure. 

·       The prayers you prayed in the deepest hour of despair are held before the throne day and night. 

·       The prayers you lifted in secret for those missionaries and your pastor, and the broken-hearted saint down the road are a matter of incense that fills the very throne-room of God. 

·       All those tears you shed in prayer for a wayward child or spouse, or friend are mingling with the host of heaven. 

Those tears stain the carpets of glory, and God knows!  There is hope in this.  Your prayers did not fade into the night. 

We need hope.  Some say:  As long as there is life there is hope

Not so!  It should read:  As long as there is hope there is life! 

Duke University did an experiment with rats.  They wanted to see the effect of hope.  In one deep pool of water they put a rat; there was no hope of escape.  He swam a few moments, then ducked his head to drown.  In another deep pool they arranged some possible means of escape.  The rat swam for several hours, exploring for the ways out, before drowning in exhaustion.  Hope gives life.

Friend, you may feel like a drowning rat in this difficult world.  There is hope in Jesus Christ alone.  And where there is the hope of Christ there is life! 

It's His hidden hope book, and one final implication,

It’s a Hallel Book  

Revelation 5:9-14

(Hallel is the Hebrew equivalent of our word for "praise")

And they sang a new song with these words:  “You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals and open it.  For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.  And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God.  And they will reign on the earth.”  Then I looked again, and I heard the voices of thousands and millions of angels around the throne and of the living beings and the elders.  And they sang in a mighty chorus:   “Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered—to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.”  And then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea.  They sang:  “Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to the one sitting on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.”  And the four living beings said, “Amen!”  And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped the Lamb. 

The Bible also says that God inhabits the praises of His people.  Praise is going to be long and lavish in heaven.  I dare say that those who don't enjoy praising God in worship here on earth would probably do well to trade in their ticket – they won't enjoy what happens beyond the pearly gates!

A Pastor I listened to on radio years ago suggested that we begin to practice praising now.  He said after don't learn to praise in a day, especially since you may have been complaining for years!  New habits take time to develop.  But you can begin today, and practice tomorrow, and the next day, until it becomes a part of you. 

Praise can become a contagious habit.  Alexander Whyte, the Scottish preacher, always began his prayers with an expression of gratitude.  One cold, miserable day his people wondered what he would say.  He prayed:  We thank Thee, O Lord, that it is not always like this

19th century Baptist preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon said:  Praise is the honey of life which a devout heart extracts from every bloom of providence and grace.  

Praise is that which comes out of a heart, for which something wonderful and mighty has been done! 

Donald Grey Barnhouse was a pastor obsessed with the praise of God.  (Should we not all be?)   Barnhouse imagined the bitter mind of the insurrectionist, Barabbas, and how he awaited execution in the Jerusalem prison.  There was another trial going on the night before his date with a cross.  That strange little rabbi who went around teaching people to love their enemies and healing lepers, was being convicted of heresy.  Suddenly, Barabbas was out on Pilate's porch, and so was Jesus.  The crowd screamed for Jesus' head.  Give us Barabbas. 

What shall I do with this man, Jesus? 

Crucify him -- Crucify him! 

Barnhouse wrote this of Barabbas:

"He was the only man in the world who could say that Jesus Christ took his physical place.  But I can say that Jesus Christ took my spiritual place.  For it was I who deserved to die.  It was I who deserved that the wrath of God should be poured on me.  I deserved the eternal punishment of the lake of fire.  He was delivered up for my offenses.  He was handed over to judgment because of my sins – Christ was my substitute.  He was satisfying the debt of divine justice and holiness.  That is why I say that Christianity can be expressed in the three phrases:  

·       I deserved hell.

·       Jesus took my hell.

·       there is nothing left for me but His heaven."

When I think of this in my own life I have to say with Eugene Peterson:  The fetus of praise grows deep in my spirit.

This book and its contents are

1.    hidden for now,

2.    but all of it is His.

3.    it gives me hope,

4.    and the strength to praise. 

Praise Him, I will -- until He calls me home! 

And then I'll praise Him there!

Title Image:  via   Unless noted, Scripture quoted from The New Living Translation 

Some images in public domain Pixabay


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