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Did you ever feel as if
somehow you just didn’t fit-in? A church
member was having surgery. I went into
the recovery room while he was still a bit groggy. His eyes didn’t focus at first, but he could
hear the soft music playing somewhere in the background. He muttered; I must be in heaven. Then he opened his eyes and saw me standing
over him, he said, I can’t be in heaven, Pastor Russell’s here![1]
There are people who don’t fit anywhere; today in all the cities
and suburbs there are homeless people walking the streets. They have no set place to be, nothing to do –
just survive until tomorrow; it will start all over again then.
By contrast, most of the
people you know have a home and family.
The chief difference between the two types of people is that one has a
sense of belonging, the other aimless, without purpose.
There is a parallel between
homelessness in this life, and the homelessness of a life without God, of people
who have lost hope simply existing.
Living on the street is terrible; living an eternity without God is a
Look at the differences
Christians will enjoy throughout eternity:
A Christian is Saved
I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying,
“Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his
people. God himself will be with
them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no
more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All
these things are gone forever.” And the
one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for
what I tell you is trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 21:3-5
A Christian, a follower of
Jesus Christ, is released from the penalty of sin even in this life[2]. Believers struggle with the power of sin in
our lives, but in the New Jerusalem, even the presence of sin and evil will be
removed, along with their accompanying results of disease, sorrow, pain, and
tears. Life in its perfection will be
restored, even better than it was in Eden.
Adam and Eve didn’t know just
how good they had it. They did not know
the destructive effect sin would have in their lives. Today, as a believing part of the body of
Christ, I know I don’t belong in a sin-sick world. This isn’t my home. I’m looking for a new city where the former
things will all be gone.
A bride represents the closest
kind of human relationship. There is no
one more attentive than a new husband.
Jesus’ bride is the church. He is
now busy preparing for the marriage supper.
This chapter of The Revelation describes the
elaborate decor of the New Jerusalem, the home Jesus said he’s going to prepare
for all who love Him. We are going to
the wedding!
evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry
and dishonesty—but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of
Life. Revelation 21:27
The first time we bought a
house, Elizabeth and I showed up at the closing looking like two wide-eyed deer,
caught in the headlights. We didn’t have
a clue what to do, or what was going to happen.
When it was over, we had a few thousand pounds of paper and a set of
keys (and no money)!
Later in the month I was in
the courthouse and decided to look up our transaction in the property
appraiser’s office. Our name was
there! I knew we’d signed papers; I knew
we’d paid the money; I knew they said it would be there – but it was somehow
comforting to see it in black and white.
We had a trusted attorney; he saw to it that the deed was recorded.
The Bible says we have a
trusted attorney (advocate) in Jesus.
Beloved, when you are talking about your eternal soul, there is no one
else more faithful than Jesus. Trust Him
to write your name in His book.
A Christian is saved, and…
A Christian is Satisfied
And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and they will be my children. Revelation 21:6-7
Then the angel
showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the
throne of God and of the Lamb.
Revelation 22:1
Someone once wrote that thirst
is not a bad thing when it can be quenched on demand. There is something quite wonderful about
satisfying a great thirst. Jesus told us
that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled[3];
He is going to give that freely. We will
be close to the throne, and the water of life (a metaphor for all that makes
breathing worthwhile) is all clear and pure; it’s the Father’s best! What good news is this!
It flowed down
the center of the main street. On each
side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with
a fresh crop each month. The leaves were
used for medicine to heal the nations.
Revelation 22:2
is a word better-translated as healthing. The Tree of Life will act like a preemptory
strike against disease; the leaves keep us healthy. Just as photosynthesis keeps oxygen in the
air, the process God has ordained of the tree of life is to provide eternal
wholeness to all who partake of the fruit.
Sojourner Truth was a remarkable African-American woman, born in slavery, who devoted the last 20 years of her life to traveling the roads of America, preaching God’s truth. Because she could neither read nor write, she memorized the Bible. Despite cruel treatment, poverty, great sorrow, and serious illness, her faith never wavered.
Before she died in 1883, a
friend asked, Sojourner, how can you be
so sure there’s a Heaven? Sojourner
looked up, her dark eyes shining, placed her hand over her heart, and whispered
joyously: Because I’ve got such a hankering for it here.[4]
The firmest assurance that
there is heaven, a place where hunger is fulfilled, is the God-shaped hole that
creates the hunger in my heart.
Just think of the road signs
we have in this life which point to the reality of our Creator’s design…
Where there is thirst, there is water.
Where there is hunger, there is food.
Where there is loneliness, there is fellowship.
Where there is a broken heart, there is a heart mender.
And where there is a world passing away, there is a heaven coming, where
every hunger will be satisfied.
And the way it will be
satisfied...oh….THAT’S the best:
No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be
there, and his servants will worship him. And they will
see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. And
there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will
shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever. Revelation 22:3-5
For the people of God, now we see
through a glass darkly.
We don’t really understand all we will have in glory.
We do not understand what living without sin will be like.
We don’t know what unbroken fellowship with Christ will be like.
But this we do know...in
glory, the lid is off! The
struggle for purity, grace, friendship, and ministry will be ended. Then – we shall be like Him.
Serving won’t be toil, but joy.
Satan the accuser will be in the lake of fire, and so, there will be no
doubts – ever again!
Truth will reign; our identity securely etched in our own
Those who refuse the mark of
the beast will receive the Jesus mark.
The curse will be over – the crown in sight. What a glorious thought!
And what a glorious
reunion. I often fantasize about how
attractive Heaven is – and how it is getting more so for me every year.
My Grandma Carrie is over there. After I meet with Jesus to thank him
face-to-face for saving me, I’m going to spend at least the first hundred years
or so rubbing my face in Grandma’s starched apron. I’m going to put my hands on that bun of gray
hair and hold her tight.
My dear friend and mentor, Pat
Giffin is there – probably playing practical jokes on the angels. I know he has his smile back. You see, during his last few years the
strokes had stolen that smile. But I’m
certain the moment he saw Jesus, that smile came back!
Jim Livengood’s heart isn’t weak
anymore. He is strong again, heart
pumping like a 20-year-old. He’s more
than likely breaking everyone’s ribs in heaven with that bear hug.
And dear old Deacon, Leroy Brown
has finally found a decent carpenter to hang-out with. Leroy was a master carpenter. He willed me his staple gun – it was older
than he. New-fangled ones don’t work good, he’d say. No one could satisfy Leroy’s eye. But his new carpenter pal can.
When I think of the New Jerusalem, and the ones who are waiting for us,
I can’t help thinking about the pan of lasagna Elizabeth’s mom, Sofie has waiting for me. She enjoyed seeing me eat. I enjoyed having her watch!
My mechanically-minded father-in-law, Tony may be having the toughest time adjusting to heaven; no cars
breaking down for him to fix. But just
the same, he’s probably adjusting the carburetor on Peter’s chariot. I know Tony – He’s got to be hanging around
with that big fisherman. They were both
And my own dear parents are part of that lot of saints in glory; heaven
is a lot more attractive now. It won’t
be but the twinkling of an eye and we’ll all be
And there won’t be a single pain or missed memory! What a crew is waiting over there!
But, best of
all, my big brother is going to be there, my Elder brother. I have one older brother here, named Thom, and
one there, who is named Jesus. I’ve seen
Thom’s face, but I’ve not seen Jesus’ face…yet!
But I have seen Jesus in your
I’ve seen Him in the faces of people who have had their lives transformed
in a moment; some in a worship service just like this.
I’ve seen Him change a corpse into a life worth living.
I’ve seen Him transform homes and lives.
I can’t wait to see Him face to face.
My friend, I want to see you
over there with Tony and Sofie, Pat and Jim, Leroy, my Mom, Dad, Aunt Doris,
and Grandma Carrie.
I want to greet you and walk with you and Jesus beside the waters of the
river of life.
I want to spend unhurried and unworried time together as we know each
other deeper, and love each other with the love of Jesus Christ.
I want to spend time with you and Jesus, Moses, Peter, and John.
And I want to sit at the foot
of God’s throne with you and bask in the light of the Shekinah glory that flows
from God’s presence.
I want to sit at the table
with you when Jesus calls us to the marriage supper.
And I want to feel the brush
of Jesus’ finger as he wipes away every tear, and his embrace changes every
sadness we’ve ever known into joy unspeakable and full of glory!
Are you prepared? Have you given your name to Jesus so He can
write it in His book of life?
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