
Monday, April 11, 2022



Title and other images:

At this point in our study of Revelation, the record of prophecy about the end of the world abruptly comes to a halt.  The apostle has recorded all we need to prepare for the second coming of Jesus. 

A semi-wise pastor once said it’s Biblical that Christians ought not to think too much about such things, because it could hinder the return of the Lord:

... the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will. Matthew 24:44

There was a poster outside an English church at a bus stop that read: 

Where will you be on the Day of Judgment?  Someone scribbled on the wall under the poster:  Still here, waiting for a bus. 

So much has been written about the end times and Jesus' return.  At times it becomes important to stop and review the facts.  In our text the angel underscores what John has seen in this vision of visions....namely the revelation of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He has seen  the Master of all life, death, time and eternity.  He is revealed not only as King of the universe, but as the embodiment of the Word of God Almighty. 

What we are given here are ASSURANCES about that Word.  We see two assurances that strengthen us due to the awesomeness of the facts they represent about the Word.  First, the Word of God is:

Eminent Truth

Then the angel said to me, “Everything you have heard and seen is trustworthy and true. The Lord God, who inspires his prophets, has sent his angel to tell his servants what will happen soon.”  Revelation 22:6

There is much truth to be known.  I am a father, a husband, a son.  These are truths.  But eminent truth is truth that takes first place in importance.  Note the word faithful means being convinced.  The truth of God about Jesus can be put to the test.  It will never fail.  But the word "true" literally means unconcealed.  The fact is that God has totally revealed His nature to us in the being and character of Jesus Christ.  And you can depend on Him.  So when John says that the Word of God is faithful and true, he is assuring us that truth revealed from above can be counted upon.

During the Civil War era Jeb Stuart, in his communications to General Robert E. Lee, used to sign them yours to count on.  It is that way with the Word of God.

Now, what that means for us is that a God who spoke to the world in creation, and in the ancient prophets, and eventually in a cross, is a God who is going to live by His Word. 

The phrase in verse 6..the things which must shortly be done., tells us that God confirms a promise that His Word issues.  What are those promises?  All throughout the scripture there are two basic promises; and they are as unchanging as the God who issued them:

   A - The redeemed shall be received with great gladness.

   B - The enemies of God shall be defeated and silenced forever. 

Now the world may point to the existence of this world, and the apparent lack of judgment.  But the day shall come.  It is God who has spoken.  On a night in March 140 years ago the great Niagara Falls stopped flowing.  It just stopped.  Anyone who has slept in the country with the crickets knows how deadly silent it can be when all the night noise stops.  Imagine what it must have been for the thundering of the mighty Niagara to suddenly cease, like someone turned off the switch.  People were so startled they ran to the river with torches.  The next morning, and all through the night the nearby churches were jammed with people praying and trembling over the "end of the world."  A little over 30 hours after the river ceased movement, just as suddenly it began again.  The explanation?  A heavy wind had set the Lake Erie ice field in motion and tons of ice had jammed at the river's entrance near Buffalo.  It had dammed the river up, until the ice shifted and let the water flow once again. 

Someday it won't be a natural explanation, but a supernatural fulfillment of the eminent truth of God, that He is going to bring time to a standstill; He will end time and begin eternity.  And those who have lived their lives without God will find that eternity will be the same way.  This is eminent truth...

Secondly, Notice that the Word of God is

Imminent Treasure

“Look, I am coming soon!  Blessed are those who obey the words of prophecy written in this book.”  Revelation 22:7

The angel quotes Jesus saying I am coming soon, imminently.  This news can be either treasure or tragedy.   It depends on the state of the one for which Jesus comes.  I do not want to be cute with words here.  The outcome is too serious. 

Again, the world looks around (and even some church members) and they say:  Well, it's been 2000 years.  Is He really coming soon?  The word means effectively, or at the right moment.  G. Campbell Morgan translates it:  Behold, I come on time.  I like that translation.  God has never missed a deadline.  At least, He's never missed one that HE set!  Many times in our prayers we let God know just exactly how and WHEN He should do something.  But God not only knows what we need; He knows exactly WHEN we need it as well!

What is He coming for?  He's coming to be two things:  judgment and blessing.  Several weeks into a trial, the defendant came forward to plead guilty.  Why didn't you plead guilty at the start and save us all a lot of time? asked the judge.  The defendant replied: I thought I was innocent.  But that was before I heard the evidence against me.

How sad that there are so many good and moral, upstanding, wonderful people who just have never given their hearts to Jesus who are going to hear in that day:  Depart from me, I never knew you.

You see, you don't have to be a murderer, or a child abuser, or some other heinous type to go to hell.  All that’s required is to ignore the call of God on your life…which is to reject Jesus, the imminent, on-time coming king, who said:

I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No man, no woman, no child…nobody comes to God the Father in His heaven, except through me.  John 14:6[1]

Blessings, says the angel, come to the ones who will keep (or obey) these words of the prophecy.  The word keep comes from a military expression, meaning to keep watch.  Having spent some time in the Army I know all about keeping watch.  I can tell you that there was a difference between guard duty in Fort Gordon, Georgia, and keeping watch in Kontum, South Vietnam in 1967.  The difference wasn't just in keeping a few meant the difference between life and death.  

It is that way with what you do to keep watch over the imminent treasure of Jesus Christ in your life. 

Again, G. Campbell Morgan says this about the words of the book, and what the angel says to assure us:

This…emphasizes the fact that a study of this book is only of value in so far as the vision of the Lord in His glory, His grace, and His government reacts upon life in such way as to produce the attitudes and activities which, recognizing the glory, appropriate the grace, and yield to the government. 

In other words...You square your life by the words of this book.  You commit yourself.  That makes the imminent, effective, on-time coming of the Lord Jesus a real treasure.

A young man was afraid to make a commitment to get married.  He wrote to an advice columnist.  She answered him:  You fall in love, but you back away before marriage.  You say you won't commit because you view life like a buffet; if you fill up your plate with lettuce at the front of the line, you may not have room for the boiled shrimp that could be at the end.  My friend, she said, You are going to end up with an empty plate.

What shall we do with this Palm-Passion Truth?

When you know the divine, eminent, all-important truth of God's love in Jesus Christ, and you have experienced the imminent treasure of having Christ in your life, what is the appropriate, acceptable response?  Share it!

·       Mahatma Gandhi once said:  If Christians would really live the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today. 

·       Mormons have a commitment that means they give two years of their life in missionary service....without pay! 

·       Members of Alcoholics Anonymous will go anywhere, any time under any circumstances to help another alcoholic. 

It should come as no surprise to Christians that our mission is more than coming to church and dropping a few dollars in the offering plate.  Our mission is to receive the eminent truth....the Word of God, and take this imminent treasure to the ends of the earth, starting with our next-door neighbor. 

The question is:  Will we go around the block to share this with a neighbor?  Or even in our own home?  Behold, says Jesus, the eminent, imminent One, I come on time...are you satisfied that you're ready to greet me?                 

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!  

[1] My paraphrasing

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