
Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Christian's Crowns


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“Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”  Blessed are those who wash their robes.  They will be permitted to enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life.  Outside the city are the dogs—the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.  “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches.  I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne.  I am the bright morning star.”  Revelation 22:12-16

God is moving history to the conclusion He has planned.  History has its beginning; we are now within the limits of the beginning and ending.  It is natural, and the time is coming, that God will determine to bring the chapter of time and space as we know it to a close.

Life is difficult enough.  If you don't sense any meaning in life, or at least a light at the end of the tunnel, it can be an impossibility to enjoy, or even cope with life.  Sitting in the sixth-grade assembly at the end of the year, I was suddenly shocked to find that they were going to hand out awards for achievements.  I can remember thinking to myself, Why didn't somebody tell me?  I would've gotten better grades!  This morning we will put that excuse to rest. 

The meaning, or light at the end of the tunnel that we deal with this day is:    

What about God's awards ceremony?

The text, particularly verse 13, mentions the reward of Jesus.  The word literally means wages.  The Bible is full of information about these WAGES or CROWNS.

Certainty of Crowns

The reality that Jesus is coming again to the earth is hard to miss in the New Testament.  But the text says that He is coming soon.  From  our perspective, two thousand years is not what you would really call soon!  But, as Einstein pointed out, time is relative.  Factors such as speed and gravity have their effect on time.  God moves in a dimension you and I have little knowledge about.  He is above time and space, which He created.  The greater includes the lesser (as a quarter has a dime-and-a-half within it)  God is greater than time, but operates within His creation. 

There are two possibilities, and they sum up what will happen in our lives:

A.    He is coming at our death

For some, like my Grandmother, death carries us to see Jesus.  As Paul wrote, absent from the body is present with the Lord

The other possibility:

B.    He is coming back in the clouds

At Jesus’ arrest and trial, the religious leaders wanted Jesus to confess to what they considered blasphemy, that he was God’s Messiah:

Then the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”

Jesus said, “I am.  And you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven.  Mark 14:61a-62

Jesus was talking about the parousia, the second Advent or coming of Christ.  Atheists laugh, skeptics explain it away, and agnostics refuse to think about it, but the Bible simply declares its reality. 

Either way, at death, or in the clouds, the Lord is coming TO us!  That is a great comfort and hope to me.  And, since God never lies, we can count on what the angels said to the disciples (Acts 1:11) as they watched Jesus' ascension into heaven, promising He would come again in the same manner.  So whether by our death, or trumpet sound, we should be prepared. 

A family moved to a new neighborhood, and the mother was registering her little boy for school.  At 6 years-old he was a hyper sort, always getting into mischief.  The mother filled out all the required information on shots, Doctor, and previous school.  But when she came to the large open space for "COMMENTS," she simply wrote in huge block letters:  BRACE YOURSELVES

That’s what the apostle meant in our text about coming SOON.  John records the words of Jesus:  Brace yourselves, I am coming again soon!

When Scripture says something repeatedly, it’s wise to pay very close attention.  And Jesus did mention this several times before they crucified him. 

Our crowns are a certainty, so we want to know…what kinds of crowns?

Catalogue of Crowns

I'm certain one could make a more exhaustive list of crowns that are going to be a part of God's awards ceremony; however I will list only four:

1.  The Soul Winner’s Crown

…for those who participate in bringing people to Jesus.  Old Testament Prophet Daniel talks of those who lead others to righteousness. 

Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.  Daniel 12:3

The writer of Proverbs(11:30) says it clearly that...he that winneth souls is wise

How do you participate in soul-winning?  There are many ways, praying, giving, going, and living a holy life, ready to tell anyone who will listen why you do.  Paul reminded Timothy, an inexperienced young pastor:

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.  2 Timothy 4:2

Is it your desire to see souls saved?  That desire doesn’t quite hit the mark!  The soul winner's crown is for participating.  When you have a strong enough burden to be involved, you will find a way. 

A denomination, a church, or a believer not involved in efforts to win souls is not wise.


2.  The Crown of Glory

…is a pastoral crown for those elders that feed the flock (1 Peter 5:4).  Beloved, you don't have to be a pastor, or a deacon to win this crown.  You simply must be willing to pass the bread and butter down the table. 

When I was young Thanksgiving was always at our house for the extended family.  While Mom was in the kitchen preparing the food, Dad, my brother Thom, and I would do the other stuff.  We would set the table; get out the extra chairs; dust, and get ready to gripe about doing the dishes.  All this was necessary.  My mother cooked the food....but we helped. 

The fact that today is Mother’s Day ought to ring loudly in your ears, Dads, and children – a crown of glory means being a servant…not a king.  But being a servant, like so many mothers choose to be, always means a crown.

If you would receive the crown of glory just as pastor Peter and John and Paul will, then pass the bread of life on down the table!  Feed God's flock.

3.  The Crown of Life

…is for being faithful in trials. 

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.  James 1:12

John wrote in a day when faithfulness meant death.  Roman emperors expected the worship of all the people.  To worship Jesus sometimes meant that you died the way Jesus did.  Before the Great Tribulation begins that concept may well come full cycle back to an everyday concern about being a Jesus-follower!

4.  The Crown of Righteousness

…means God's approval of your response to His claim on your life.  Paul told Timothy, in his last letter to the young pastor, that his fight was over, and the crown of righteousness was awaiting him in heaven.  Listen to what he said:

And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing.                             2 Timothy 4:8

Paul had been faithful to answer the call of God, giving his whole life for the purpose of that call.

We must not miss the significance for you and me here:  God calls each of is our responsibility to fulfill that calling.  Has He called you to be a policeman, or to witness to your neighbor?  Has He called you to be a faithful steward?  The crown of righteousness is God's smile over the fact that you have been willing to turn your back on your own desires and the allure of this world, and follow Him instead

In Chicago years ago the great evangelist D.L. Moody was preparing for a service inside the church.  Outside it was thundering and lightning, with torrents of rain.  A little girl ran in from outside and told him excitedly:  Mr. Moody, the world is coming to an end.  Moody said:  That's all right, Honey, we can live without it.

The very first thing God called you to is the salvation of your soul.  To win the crown of righteousness, you must accept the fact that you are not entitled to it, and that only Jesus' blood can purchase it for you. 

There is a certainty of crowns, and the catalogue of crowns....and finally,

Crowning of Christ

Two simple facts:


Those who, in this life, have been faithful to win crowns from Christ will, in heaven, then place them at His feet in heaven's glory.  It is the natural response of a thankful heart to give praise.  Blessed are those who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.  Saved people will act like it!


No matter what we have done in this life, if we have not placed a crown on Jesus' head, inviting Him to be Lord of our life, over our actions and thoughts, will not be able to do so in heaven.  Much of the Book of Revelation contains a list of those who have not invited Jesus to be Lord over their life.  Instead they have made it a practice to invite the baser things of this world to be their lord.  The consequence of a life lived apart from Christ is spending eternity that way….in Hell.

The question becomes, What are you preparing for....Who is your Lord? 

Boxer Joe Frazier said: 

You can map out a fight plan or a life plan.  But when the action starts you're down to your reflexes.  That's where your roadwork shows (the discipline of training).  If you cheated on that in the dark of the morning, you're getting found out now under the bright lights.

Time for Resolve

How do you feel about crowns?  Will you live this day, and every day with the expectancy of Advent...that our Lord may come back today?

Charles the Great was what the name Charlemagne means in French.  He was the builder of empires, and conqueror of the world.  He spoke, and it was done, in all the earth.  His riches rivaled Solomon's. 

On Christmas Day, 800 AD, he was crowned the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

He was a man.  He died. 

A thousand years later his tomb was opened.  To the shock of the archaeologists, they saw the corpse of Charlemagne sitting upright in a chair....the long, petrified finger of his right hand pointing to a verse in the Bible on his lap:

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"  Mark 8:36    

If you are to receive the crowns of Christ, YOU must first crown HIM King!

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Description automatically generatedIn the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!  



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