
Monday, June 27, 2022

The Surrendered Life Song


As a child my parents helped birth me into the Christian life.  They took me to church (even before I was born).  I gave my life to Christ as a pre-teen, and Mom and Dad gave me my first direction in Scripture after I was saved, words Paul also gave to Timothy…study this Book! 

Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.  2 Timothy 2:15

As an adult, I began to understand Christ’s claim on my life, and the second of my Scriptural balance beams formed deep within; God’s Word would be my guide for how I would think and live.

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable.  This is truly the way to worship him.  Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.  Romans 12:1-2

Paul’s revelation in chapter 12 is the hinge of a great propositional truth.  For followers of Jesus, our theology (who God is, and what our relationship to Him should be) must drive our everyday life and actions.  Who He is defines who we must be.  There comes a time when believing must become behaving.

In the first eleven chapters of Romans Paul lays-out the theology (picture) of God and His redemptive work.  Paul states exactly that; then you turn the page and chapter twelve begins with and so.  He is saying, since God is like that – we must therefore live like this.  Chapter twelve begins unfolding the wonderful ways in which redemption rearranges our lives, and makes us truly Christian – or Christ’s.  Belief defines our behavior, not Calvin Klein, Nike, or anything else the world comes up with!

Chapter 12 is where God’s expectations of how we will live this life freely given begins to take shape.  Chapters 1-11 have God’s unconditional love reaching down and blowing away the death-grip sin had on us like so much chaff in the wind.  Then, with a simple and-so chapters 12-16 point us to the truth that we have been given a clean slate, and we must use it wisely.  “You’ve been set free, slave…now live like a free person; live this way!”

Paul said not to take on the behavior and customs of this world; don’t be conformed…be a non-conformist.  To what customs and behavior is the apostle referring?  The list is endless, but here’s a sample:  Vindictive, Vengeful, Lying, Immodest, Hot-tempered, Unforgiving, Spiteful, Etcetera!  These are all adjectival modifiers of that which is selfish behavior.  It is the fruit of what we have been building into each generation for the last six or seven decades, me-ism.  We call it self-esteem but its real name is me-first!  Paul says, don’t buy-into that! 

Don’t think you are better than you really are.  Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.

Whenever we measure ourselves against God as the standard, what do we find?  I know what I find – a sinner for whom Christ died, who needs all the other sinners for which He died!  Paul also found that about himself; he even called himself the chief of sinners[1].  That’s why he could also tell us to resist this world’s customs and behavior, even though that is exactly who we are naturally:  deceitful, materialistic, backbiting, immodest, and so on.  Our sin nature wants to survive and control us. 

But Paul said someone who truly belongs to Christ does what is reasonable (rational) for a believer – resists his sin nature and responds to the new nature of Christ within, because we are forgiven.  You know, and I do too, our resistance to this world’s customs and behaviors can only hold-out just so far.  The temptations of our culture are relentless:  television and media, peer pressure, and greed are powerful.  These understand just how to appeal to our carnal nature’s appetites.  But the power to resist was never intended to be just what you can muster-up; there is power to live flowing from Jesus Christ to the believer who trusts Him enough to give up being lord over his own life and let God have His way.

In the church we call it transformation.  Paul said that God can transform you into a new person.  That person is the image of Christ; we are being conformed or changed – better, transformed into Christ’s image when we allow God free control over our lives.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.  For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.  Romans 8:28 – 29

That is what Paul meant by encouraging us to live a life of sacrifice – to freely and constantly submit to whatever God wants to make of us.  That’s the metaphor of the cup we celebrate together in the Lord’s Supper – Christ’s life was poured-out in the name of the Father in heaven for us; we follow his example and pour ours out in His name for others.  This transformation begins and continues in the heart and mind (the renewal of your mind). 

So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.  2 Corinthians 3:18

Our hearts – that’s a place where others cannot see.  Only God knows what’s happening in your heart and mine.  But the results of that transformation (or the lack of it) will be seen

Metamorphosis is a transformation; it is what happens in a cocoon.  Cradled in a nest the nature of a caterpillar begins to change.  Finally it breaks out, looking little like it did before.  What was once an ugly little squirming worm is transformed into the very essence of delightful beauty!  It was once conformed to the slinking image of a dust-eater; now it soars with color and majesty – some are even called Monarch!

In a human being follower of Jesus Christ our cocoon is grace.  Surrendering control of our lives to God’s grace allows God’s transforming power to change us.  We emerge with wings to escape temptation and live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.  We can live a life of purpose and dignity, leaving the dust-eating worm-life behind, resisting this World’s Culture, resting our whole being in Christ.  Just like a caterpillar must crawl up on the branch of some tree to attach itself, a Christian believer must attach himself to the branch of Jesus’ cross.  It is one act of surrender; it’s a lifetime of service. 

This altar right in front of me is made of wood…that looks like a fine place to attach a cocoon of grace!  Many a transformation has begun here; there’s room for more!

Our Christian commitment isn’t about just being different…it’s about being different to MAKE a difference.  We are interested in changing this world for Christ.

Our task is to build a generation legacy – to pass the faith along to the next generation while we’re building God’s Kingdom.  Evil is all around us and it is so easy to get overwhelmed or discouraged by what we see in the newspapers and on the nightly news.  It’s so easy to drop out and just look after your own.  But that is not Christ’s call on our life, is it?  Christ bids us to die to self and live for Him - to reject the standards and behaviors of this world’s culture in favor of following Jesus, making disciples, and transforming the world.

What to do about all this

Are you tired of doing things to please the systems you’ve inherited?  Have you ever questioned why you do what you do? 

          Do you have a job because that’s what people do – they go off to work? 

          Do you belong to a church because that’s what the “good people” do? 

          Do you behave yourself in public because that’s what “decent citizens do?

Wouldn’t you rather have a vision; wouldn’t you rather be on a mission?  Wouldn’t you rather have a purpose for your life that is overwhelming and drives you to the very depth of the well of joy and meaning in life? 

If that is your desire – surrender your life to the will of God.  Break out of this world’s mold of greed, materialism, and selfishness.  Be ye transformed!

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!  


[1] 1 Timothy 1:15


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