
Sunday, July 10, 2022

I Believe in God (I Believe Series 2022 #1)


In the beginning God....  Genesis 1:1

Many people today are re-thinking the whole concept of faith in God.  For the first time in many generations those who want nothing to do with church outnumber those who do.  “Nones” (those who check religious survey boxes “no preference”) are in the majority.  Even among those who do check a preference, or indicate they “belong” to a church, you would be hard-pressed to find more than a third of them in church on a given Sunday. 

In opposition to all that negative-ness, I would offer that there is no perspiration on God’s upper lip.  In the same way that a novel-writer will not attempt to prove that he exists, the Bible does not attempt to prove the existence of God.  The first four words of Genesis tell the story, In the beginning God.  With that, the Bible assumes what addle-brained atheists, and so-called intellectual evolutionists, have been wrong about for centuries...God IS

Protagoras, a philosopher who lived 2500 years ago, said Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are so, and of things which are not, that they are not.[1]  That's like saying that the genius in automatic transmissions is the intricate gears, or that the beauty of the Mona Lisa is in paint and canvas. 

A car’s transmission would never have existed without the excellence of a human engineer putting it together; the Mona Lisa’s beauty never could have shown from the canvas, except it first existed in the mind of a master artist. 

In just that way, the center of every original thought and deed of all time and eternity is the One we call God.  Man may be the crown of all creation, but he is still the object of creation, and not the Creator.  For that you need God!  As Psalms 14:1 tells us, it is only the fool who has said in his heart, there is no God.

We do our best to prove to the unbeliever that God exists; but it is largely unnecessary to convince ANYONE.  The Bible says in that the reality of God is apparent to all people even as they behold the things of nature.[2]  In fact, the knowledge of God is inherent in created beings.  We KNOW He's real!  And any nonsense about Him being dead, asleep, or never was, is just THAT...NONSENSE

A man asked another man about God; why do people say God is everywhere?  I don't see him anywhere.  With that the other man picked up a rock and clobbered him with it.  Why did you do that, asked the complainer, man that hurts!  The rock-wielder replied, you say you have pain in your head; I don't SEE any pain.  Show me your pain and I'll believe it exists!  The man made his point. 

Without equivocation I say God exists!  This morning I would simply like to start with that, exactly where the Bible does, with the FACT that God…IS. 

In our act of diligently seeking God this morning, three STATEMENTS of REALITY about God....

Statement #1.  God is Spirit 

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.          John 4:24 (NRSVA)

In speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus revealed the great truth that our God is not impressed with outward displays of righteousness.  He exists in a realm that provides Him with access to the inner being of any man or woman. 

Jesus saw the deep spiritual need of the woman, and he knows our needs also.  It is possible to please God only when the inner person – that spirit within each of us – is in harmony with the heart of a spiritual God. 

Jesus told us in His earthly ministry that the only way to come to the Father was through Him.  And so that tells us that it is only possible to worship God by accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Statement #2.  God is Personal 

The personality of God is seen in the personal way God has dealt with mankind.  From a bush that burned, and was not consumed, God said to Moses, I Am.  Reality and cognizant existence are personal qualities.  God weeps, loves, hates, cares, creates, and feels loss. 

There is one concept of God called pantheism.  This says that God is in everything, literally.  He is in trees, grass, oceans, a component part.  This robs God of personality, making him substance, or part of the creation.  God is personal, and He takes a personal interest in His creation. 

There are those who may still subscribe to the "hands-off" type of God.  This was popular in the 50's and early 60's.  They picture God as a creator who made the world like a craftsman makes a grandfather clock, winds it up and lets it run by interference, man can take care of himself. 

But that's not the way it was when the children of Israel cried-out to God from bondage in Egypt.  God rocked the kingdom of Pharaoh until he drove them out.  God didn't apply hands off when they were boxed-in with mountains on two sides, Pharaoh's army behind, and the Great Red Sea in front.  God's personal breath blew every last drop out of the way, and His personal family walked over on dry land. 

In one episode of "The X-Files," agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are discussing a prison chaplain who claims that God speaks directly to him. When Mulder expresses skepticism that such a thing could ever happen, Scully asks, Don't you think God can talk with people?  Mulder replies, God is just a spectator.  He only reads the box scores.[3]

How different is the biblical view of God!

The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.     Psalm 145:18

We are billions, and all of us are His creation, and He is a personal God who loves us consciously.  The world was lost in sin and degradation, and the personal God who loved us came to our rescue.  God is spirit, personal, and....

Statement #3.  God is Holy

The word holy means other, or different.  Isaiah, in his vision (6:1-3), saw the angels, the seraphim, and the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up...his train filling the temple.  And the angels cried Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.  God is other, different than we are. 

There are several characteristics that describe God’s holiness:

In His Holiness God is ETERNAL

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Revelation 22:13

Nothing existed except by the creative hand of God.  Genesis tells us that God created; that word created is only used in the Bible when referring to God.  The word in Hebrew (bara) means to create from nothing.  Words used in reference to the creativity of man carries the inference of re-creating, taking what has been created already, and reforming it.  God is eternal in His holiness.  Eternal, and…

In His holiness, God is OMNISCIENT

The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.  Proverbs 15:3

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.  I used to think omniscient was pronounced "MOM-niscient"!  She had eyes all over; she always knew what I was up to. 

God is different, holy, He not only knows WHAT is going on all over, but he knows the intents, the motives of our hearts.  That has implications of judgment.  If God knows all, it means that it will be a day of fearful reckoning for those who have treated His holiness lightly. 

Psalm 119:137 tells us that the Lord's judgments are upright and righteous.  The God who knows everything that goes on will judge accordingly.  Eternal, Omniscient, and…

In His holiness, God is OMNIPRESENT

Jeremiah asks the question about God being everywhere all the time:

Can anyone hide from me in a secret place?  Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth? says the Lord.  Jeremiah 23:24

Knowing that God is everywhere can be bad or good.  It depends on your relationship with Him.  A person who has a daily fellowship with God, and surrenders daily to do His will, has a desire to be constantly in His presence, because that fellowship is sweet. 

On the other hand, those who would rather God leave them alone, and stay out of their business, have God's permission.  But someday that permission will end! Jesus predicted on that Day of Judgment men and women who have avoided the presence of God in their life will call and beg for the mountains to fall in on them to drive out the presence of a holy and righteous God of judgment.

But there is the positive side of the omnipresence of God.  It is found in the comforting of His Holy Spirit.  Jesus said we would be His body here on earth; we would do the things that He did, and greater.  When you consider the omnipresence of God you find that His presence sometimes takes the form of human compassion and ministry, initiated by heavenly means. 

In Evanston, Ill, 16 ladies from a church arranged their schedules to care for a lady named Martha, a 26-year-old with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).  They bathed her, fed her, talked to her, prayed for her, and witnessed to her.  She had not accepted Christ, but when she saw His love, living in the lives of these women, the presence of a loving God caused her to give her life to Jesus.  She was baptized and gave her testimony in her church before she died.  Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and…

In His holiness God is OMNIPOTENT

A Sunday School teacher was questioning her pupils after a lesson on God's omnipotence. Now children, she asked, is there anything God can't do?  The Pastor’s son thrust his hand into the air. The teacher, feeling certain that he had missed the point of the lesson, asked half-heartedly, well, just what IS it that God can't do?  Replied the boy: I heard dad say yesterday that even God can't make EVERYBODY, at this church happy![4]   

Omnipotence means there is no power that originates anywhere but from the throne of heaven.  Perhaps, in the age of nuclear power, space shuttles and power at our fingertips we may miss the enormity of the power of God.  How big and powerful is YOUR God? 

Our star, the sun, is 93 million miles away.  Traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) it takes 8 minutes to get there!  If we launched a rocket at that speed of light, aimed at the nearest star past the sun, it wouldn't arrive at Proxima Centauri until Thanksgiving of 2025.  That's the closest star! 

The scientists tell us there are 8,000 stars we can see with the naked eye.  The Hale Telescope in Mt Palomar, Cal "sees" 175,000 light years out into space.  Our galaxy, known as the Milky Way, has about 100-200 billion stars.  That's our neighborhood. 

The nearest galaxy outside of our neighborhood is the "Megallanic Cloud", about 130,000 light years away.  Those are two of the closest neighborhoods for us.  Are you ready for this?  The radio telescopes indicate there are over 800 million galaxies.  THAT WE KNOW OF! 

The total amount of stars that computers have been able to record is one quintillion (a 1, with 18 zeroes following).  It is no wonder the Psalmist asked, What is man that thou art mindful of him?  We are incredibly minute, compared to this vast universe. 

But how big is YOUR God?  Isaiah 40:12 tells us that God measured out the heavens with the hollow of his hand.

Here is an application for you and me today.  I believe in a God as big as the Bible has described for us.  I believe He is Spirit, and personal, and that he is holy; God is the eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I also believe He is love! 

And a God who is that big and powerful and loving is capable of

ð comforting me when my loved one dies. 

ð He is able to meet my need when the mortgage comes due too early. 

ð He is able to take the worry I feel when governments threaten to blow us off the face of the earth,

ð and 13 year old children get pregnant. 

ð He is more than capable of holding His own when skeptics doubt His existence. 

ð And He is able to save a sinner like me! 

And, more! 

If He can create a universe as wonderful as we live in, and hold it all in the palm of his loving hand, He is able to keep you and me until the day of judgment, and forever!

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!  

Our Prayer

Father, you are the certain and central reality of the universe.  Your power and grace are without measure.  In a world of turmoil and uncertainty our God is a Rock and a Redeemer!

Grant us a glimpse of You.  As you did with Your servant, Moses, when you had him hide in the cleft of the rock – allow us to sense Your glory and power as you pass even now. 

We are a needy people.  We ask for faith to strengthen our belief in You, and our trust in Your providential care.

We ask so that we may be people of faith, strong faith in a world that has lost faith.  

Do this, we pray, O Lord, that we may be strong instruments of peace and grace in Your Almighty, All-knowing, Ever-present hands.

For thy kingdom’s sake….

 Images in this file are either created by the author or public domain/royalty-free.  Title Image:  WikimediaCommons

[2] Romans 1:19-20

[3] Stephen Nordbye, Charlton, Massachusetts

[4] Greg Cooper on

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