
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Gracioius and Attractive Conversation

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.  Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.  Colossians 4:5-6

Paul’s advice to a group of believers living in a largely pagan and idol-worshipping culture was to be wise in their conversation, literally, everything they do.  His emphasis on being “gracious and attractive” with words is especially telling.  There is an art to remaining on the higher plane when opponents continually hit below the belt!  It is an art I freely admit not having mastered.  When I think of  21st century culture I’m convinced it’s a practice that needs to make a comeback. 

Pick a segment of the current culture, and describe it in terms of commitment to truth, kindness, honesty, or love; then think about if you’d recommend any of this culture’s ways be continued in Heaven.  Think about:  politics, media, law, entertainment, professional sports, or the corporate world.  Do you see much graciousness, love, or even the most rudimentary aspects of truth, kindness, or honesty?  Or is it primarily self-serving, rude, and incredibly false?  (I told you I hadn’t mastered gracious and attractive yet, but at least it must ring true).

So, if our culture aligns rather consistently with Colossian culture, where just getting through the day was a tough assignment, what was Paul aiming at?  What good could attractive, kind words make in that kind of environment?

I’m glad you asked.

Even amongst the least-religious, least-interested in faith or God, there is an image of God stamped on the soul.  Granted, that image may be long-faded, or muddled by worldly, Godless living, or just plain neglect of spiritual life, but it is there, and graciousness, kindness, and honesty, with words that match, will remind lost sheep that they have a home waiting for them when they’re done with the pigpen.

That, frankly, is the job description for found sheep, telling the lost ones about the way back to the Shepherd.  And when they won’t listen to preachers, or other religious professionals, because they’ve learned in this tough world to never trust anyone, it is the kind words, surprising honesty, and gracious ways of helpful sheep that will connect with that image of God on even the most hardened wanderer.

For You Today

It’s easy to fall into the ways of the world, because you’ll find approval there, from those who need a little propping-up in their own walk away from God.  But if you ever hope to rescue a lost sheep God is trying to reach, you’ll have to swim against the tide of rude, self-serving lies.  Gracious and attractive conversation…well, it’s more than just words.  In the original language, the word we have translated “conversation” means everything about the way you conduct your daily living. So, Paul is really saying go all-in for honesty, truthfulness, and being kind; those are the tools of the trade for any who wish to do God’s calling.

You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day!

Go to VIDEO (read by author)

There are about 2,000 devotional posts in the Rocky Road Devotions library. 

To dig deeper on today’s topic read:  The Grumpy Christian

[1] Images:     Unless noted, Scripture quoted from The New Living Translation©   

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