
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Age of Offense - Part 4

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6

We are continuing with our series on parenting to change a culture falling-apart.  In the first two posts we shared about the need for parental stepping-up when it comes to involvement, because of the violent nature of today’s world.  Violence trickles-down from adult actions to imprint young minds.  We’ve allowed our children to become overly exposed to violence in every sphere of today’s culture. 

This morning let’s turn to the purpose, or the target, the substance of why we take such pains to be Christian parents.  Solomon says (in the proverb) we are to train children in the way they should go.  Way is a metaphor to describe the pathway through life.  It comes from a root word that depicts stringing a bow.   Go is the Hebrew word for mouth/breath, which, in the ancient world was the same as the deeds of a life.  The word spoken was the deed done.  Put together, this phrase, the way he should go, becomes something like, Bend the bow the way it must point, and eventually fire the arrow.  The purpose of training, therefore is:  What is accomplished in training sets the course of a child’s life.  There are at least three main priorities in the purpose of Christian training:

INTELLIGENCE  Imparting wisdom is not the same as knowledge.  Knowledge can simply be the combined weight of the Internet at your child’s disposal.  Separating out how to use knowledge is the chief aspect of wisdom.  The Bible declares that the fear (reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 

Teaching our children to learn of God, and to reverence Him, is the purpose for the process.

INTEREST  This is a two-pronged fork.  We must notice the natural instincts God has placed within our children, and then seek to bring it out, all with the purpose of creating an interest in Christ.  Biblical scholar and author Howard Hendricks tells of a Sunday School teacher who came to his yard when he was nine.  He was out playing marbles.  

The teacher invited him to Sunday School.  Hendricks figured anything connected with School was not appealing, so the teacher asked a different question.  He said:  Wanna play a game of marbles?  After he wiped out the nine year old kid in a couple of games, he then asked:  Wanna learn how to play this game better?  Dr. Hendricks noted that by the time he’d taught me how to play marbles over the next few days, he’d built such a relationship with [Howard] that I’d have gone anywhere he suggested.  He ended up in a Sunday School class with 12 other boys, 11 of which ended up in vocational Christian work.[1]

INTEGRITY  Training them in the way they should go, certainly includes teaching them that there is an only way Jesus said that about Himself!  We need to be clear about this.  It does matter what you believe.  If there is any other way to heaven, then Jesus is wrong.  If there is any other way than to repent of sin, confessing it before men and God, and trusting only in Christ, then Christianity is a fake.  Parents, with integrity, teach your children – intentionally – that Jesus Christ is Lord, and He alone can save them.

For You Today 

Diligent parents are involved with their children to teach them basic stuff, like brushing teeth, using the potty, and not hitting their annoying siblings.  These are menial, and pale in comparison to teaching them to know their Creator!

You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day!

Go to VIDEO (read by author)

There are about 2,500 devotional posts and 400 sermons in the Rocky Road Devotions library.  To dig deeper explore some of theseThe Ripple Effect of Faith and Passing Along the Faith

Title Image:  1 &  2    Images without citation are in public domain.

Unless noted, Scripture quoted from The New Living Translation©  

[1]Howard Hendricks, Say It With Love

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