
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Almost; Not Yet!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Like our ancestors, we have sinned.  We have done wrong!  We have acted wickedly!  Psalm 106:6

The recent violent attacks on Israel by the terrorist organization, Hamas, and Israel’s reaction, bombing Gaza, the center of the Hamas’ operations, is an all-too-familiar refrain of the nearly 4000-year squabble between Isaac and Ishmael, the two sons of Abraham.  If you remember, Abraham, father of the nation that would bear God’s name as His chosen people, had no heirs; his wife, Sara was unable to have children, and convinced Abraham to use her servant Hagar to bear a son, so God’s promise would have a chance.  Full stop. Exclamation point!  Whoa…What….use another woman’s body to fulfill the holiness of God’s Word?  What was Sara thinking?  And more…how could Abraham honestly comply with that?  God set the matter straight, by allowing Sara to conceive, getting pregnant at age 90 (how’s that for recompense?).  The two lines of descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, have been at each other’s throats ever since.

In the days since the attack on Jerusalem I have heard a lot of references to the Second Coming of Jesus as being close, or imminent.  That may be so, or not.  Since the first Advent of Christ we have been living in an era of Almost; Not Yet!  His next Advent could happen before I finish writing this sentence – or not for another two thousand years.  Imminence means forthcoming, or looming.  So, the almost part of the Second Advent is that it could happen today.  The not yet aspect means we won’t know exactly when until it happens.  In Jesus’ own words, it will happen like a thief in the night.  Our family experienced that years ago. That thief didn’t send me an email, or call to make a reservation to rob us, he didn’t knock on the front door – he climbed though our window at 3AM!

Jesus also said He will return when His Father sends him, and knowing the date is above our pay grade; it will be when the Father makes the call.

We are precisely fifty-two days before the start of Advent on the Christian calendar, which is scheduled for Sunday, December 3rd.  Advent celebrates the first coming of Jesus to Bethlehem.  He came then to be born, point us to the Father’s love, and then destroy sin’s death grip on us, the penalty for our sins (wickedness, as the Psalmist called it).  He did that on the cross as a gift. 

But Advent also is our constant reminder of the Advent of the future, the Second Coming of Jesus, not as a babe in a manger, the sacrificial lamb, bound for a cross – but the victorious, Lord and Christ of eternity, bound to defeat evil entirely, and set up his Kingdom eternally!

For You Today 

Our task in this life isn’t to set dates and construct timelines.  Rather it is to live faithfully according to God’s Word and be engaged in the mission of being His people who love lavishly, share openly, and wait patiently.

So, when you hear all the news reports of Ishmael and Isaac at it again, don’t get thrown-off track by taking sides, or trying to figure out how to settle the violence of the Middle East.  Stay on mission, loving your next-door neighbor, and the Lord God with all your heart, mind, and strength.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem as Scripture tells us – and live with the expectant prayer of the final words of Scripture on your heart and mind:

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  

                        Revelation 22:20

You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day!


There are about 2,600 devotional posts and 400 sermons in the Rocky Road library.

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Unless noted, Scripture quoted from NLT©   

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