
Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing. 

John 15:5

There are many things a human cannot do.  Unlike the cow in the children’s rhyme, humans cannot jump over the moon, (at least not without a Bazillion-dollar Space Shuttle).  We also cannot change our DNA, or place of birth, or a bunch of other characteristics:  eye-shape, fingerprints, genetically-inherited diseases or some traits, like color of our hair (well, aside from Miss Clairol and Sally Beauty salon revisions…which are entirely external masks).

On the reverse side of that stuff that humans cannot do, is what science cannot do.  In one of the comparatively new branches of science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robots are being taught how to (at least) mimic human characteristics for a wide range of applications, doing tasks that humans no longer want to do.  If you’ve ever asked Alexa to change the channel, turn on the lights, or lock your front door from 20 miles away, you understand.  

But in today’s culture AI is much more than having a butler do everything you want in the house, from taking out the garbage, to picking out which cool T-shirt to wear to the game.  Today’s research is already overwhelmingly-involved with virtually everything you buy, including cars, food, clothing, furniture for your front porch, and pet shampoo.  Frankly, you cannot do a single thing online without someone getting ahold of your preferences in where to take a vacation and what toothpaste you love.

Billionaire tech genius, entrepreneur, co-founder of Google, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, and now owner of Twitter, rebranded as “X”, Elon Musk has been involved in developing AI in the form of bot-tech (computer brains that serve humans by imitating being human).  Despite that deep immersion in artificial intelligence, and being armed with a bankroll larger than most small countries, Musk has some cautions now about the whole thing; in an interview this April he said:

For all the magnificent (some would say malevolent) machinations of mankind to copy human intelligence into machines, there is one human characteristic (at the very least) science cannot force into wired circuit boards, chips, and whatever other mysteries run computer thingies…and that is eternity…an eternal soul that will never die.  They couldn’t even get to the point of a temporary soul that has genuine compassion.  

All humankind’s science can muster is mimicry – a painted  face doll, with programed responses, and not an ounce of caring for what becomes of its fellow inhabitants of planet earth.  God, who is creator of all that is seen, and that which we haven’t yet seen, has declared many times within the pages of Scripture that he will not share his glory with anyone.  I will not give my glory to anyone else,  Isaiah 42:8.  So as for AI, it will remain artificial; the real thing is God’s, and quite unique! 

For You Today 

For those who trust in God’s promises, this world may rob you of your job, your health and play a lot of nasty tricks on you.  There is one thing God has given each of us complete control over; our eternal soul.  Its Un-BOT-able!

You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day!


There are about 2,600 devotional posts and 400 sermons in the Rocky Road library.

Title Image(s) courtesy of                   

Images without citation are in public domain or cited via weblinks.  Unless noted, Scripture quoted from NLT©  

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