
Monday, November 20, 2023

Sweet Spot of Truth


Friday, November 17, 2023

…we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.  Ephesians 4:15

In his book Talk the Walk, pastor and author Steve Brown writes:

A number of years ago, John Whitehead – an attorney, author, and The Rutherford Institute’s founder and president – gave me a bumper sticker that read in big bold letters,

When you’re anywhere near the line dividing left from right, you’re holding some things (at least) in the middle.  I’ve followed pastor Steve Brown’s teachings for about twenty years, and I can say with no hesitation, he finds that place which removes one from being identified…politically.  For a Christian, that is what golfers refer to as the sweet spot – that place on your golf club where the club face ought to strike the ball for the best distance and accuracy.  The further right or left you move takes the Christian witness and message down a notch or two.

News media love to exploit events to attract advertising revenue; that’s their sweet-spot, a settled business fact.  You cannot pay your employees without selling soap!  Last week in Charlotte, videos went viral of a woman being subdued by police with obvious physical force, for allegedly smoking marijuana in public. 

Immediate responses were typical; the politically-left side immediately crying the foul of police brutality, while the politically-right side cited the police use of force as appropriate peace-keeping.  The third response, one I say at the risk of putting words in pastor Steve Brown’s mouth, is:  Let’s wait for the investigation before we burst a right or left blood vessel.

Another preacher, a very good friend and close associate of Jesus, named Apostle Paul, executed by the Roman government took that third (and less-traveled) road of giving truth a chance to come to the winner’s circle.  Paul was no stranger to mob violence.  According to Acts 14:19 he was stoned, dragged out of town, and left for dead.  Still, Paul counsels speaking the truth, as did Jesus, and letting truth set whatever wrong to the right. 

Slinging slogans around is a political club.  Those who shout:  Speak truth to power are presenting only half the case; we should also speak truth to the powerless.  Truth is for all, and that will set anyone free, if they will place the matter in the Master’s hand, and give it time.

For You Today 

If you lean left, or lean right, try to keep in mind that leaning is the next step in falling…falling prey to the enemy’s invitation to his side.  Better to rest in the sweet-spot of truth with Godly longsuffering, than hitting your last ball of free-will out of bounds!

You chew on that as you hit the Rocky Road; have a blessed day!


There are about 2,600 devotional posts and 400 sermons in the Rocky Road library.

Today’s title Image from  

Images without citation are in public domain or cited via weblinks.  

Unless noted, Scripture quoted from NLT©  

[1] Steve Brown, Talk the Walk, (Greensboro, NC, New Growth Press, 2019), p.13

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